#though survey results skewed older than maybe i expected



It’s very easy to pick up little wrong habits that go under the radar for awhile and mangling these was one of mine! So when do you know which one to use? It is v simple, you just need to know. (examples scooped from here b/c this is just a note)


有点儿 comes before an adjective (or occasional verb):

我 觉得 这 个 人 有点儿懒。
I think this person is a little lazy.

在 这里 工作 有点累。
It is a little tiring to work here.

Today it’s a little cold.

to use it with a negative just put it in front of the whole negative

我 还是 有点儿 不 明白。(lit: “a little not understand”)
I still don’t really understand.


一点儿 comes after an adjective:

请 说 得 慢 一 点 儿。
Please speak a little more slowly.

快 一 点 儿,要 迟到 了。
A bit faster, we will be late.

我们 应该 做 得 好 一点儿。
We should make it a bit better.

to negate it you have to use the 一点都/也 structure, since “not a little bit” is essentially “not at all”

这 个 地方 的 衣服 一点儿 都 不 贵。
This place’s clothes are not expensive at all.

and there you have it go forth a little bit

pokin around the archives, a good nota bene. 
