#though your breakdown is great thank you






eastern wales


I like the idea, but it’s not founded in any sort of geography.

Here is my interpretation, it start’s with Scotland declaring independence due to many reasons (Mainly Brexit, since the euro isn’t failing and one of the reasons they stayed in the UK was continued EU membership). This causes problems for England, they want Scotland’s oil, and Scotland wants to send back England’s nukes, it’s a whole thing. So they go to war, and immediately, Ireland joins Scotland, attacking Northern Ireland to prevent a sea invasion of the highlands. 

They fight for some time, and things grow to a gridlock, this war quickly becomes one of attrition. However, seeing an opportunity, Cornwall also declares independence, forcing England to divert forces from the Scottish lowlands down south.

The attrition also gets to Wales, who declares independence with Cornwall, forcing England to spread herself thinner.

After the attrition sets in again, France (who reallllllyyyy wants to kick England’s ass, Joins the “Celtic Coalition” (the combined Scottish, Irish, and Cornish forces). Happy to accept Gaul into their merry band, the Celtic Coalition let’s them in.

This terrifies England, as forces move from Pas De Calais, and start seizing the underdefended SE. England digs in around London, preparing for a siege, and martial law is declared.

Smelling blood the Isle of Man decides to join the Celtic Coalition to get a seat at the negotiating table. Meanwhile the martial law is getting to London, and soon they’re up in arms. It starts out as an Anti-Monarchy revolution, but quickly whirlwinds into a socialist uprising. They quickly kill the royal family, and finally, the UK must surrender.

So begins the partition of England. In order of who attacked first: Scotland gets Great Manchester, West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, Northumberland, Durham, District 11, and part of district 9. Ireland gets Somerset and District 2, but more importantly gets Northern Ireland, their main goal. Cornwall gets Independence, as well as Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire, West Berkshire, Surrey, West Sussex, and District 1 (the Isle of Wight). Wales really caught England by surprise, and due to their coordinated efforts with Cornwall, got a lot of stuff. Wales got Cheshire, Shropshire, Gloucetshire, Oxfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincolnshire, South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire, West Midlands, Liecetshire, and districts 3,4,5,6,7,8, and the rest of 9. France did it mainly to humiliate England, but still managed to get East Sussex and Kent out of the whole deal. The Isle of Man got Lancashire and Cumbria. Finally, thanks to some significant sway from the new crop of socialist parties out their, the new Communist Party of London got Greater London, Herefordshire, and Essex.
