#thought you guys would be interested


THANK you for the Huntress pic. It made me all the more eager to see Laurel turn into the Black Canary. Any update on that? — Patrick
For the time being, we’ll continue seeing “glimpses” of Laurel’s badass side, according to EP Andrew Kreisberg. Those teases, he says, are the fun of the audience knowing her ultimate destiny. “There will be more stuff coming up where you see glimpses of her as the hero and — especially as her relationship with the arrow deepens — her seeing the benefits of working outside the law,” he says. More immediately, look for Laurel to have a night out on the town — and she’s not exactly happy about it! “There is a fun double-date with Oliver, the Huntress, Laurel and Tommy,” says Kreisberg. “For the Birds of Prey fans out there — you do get to see a Laurel and Helena not entirely enjoy having dinner with each other.”

Thanks for staying on top of Arrow, Sandra! Now you need to tell me: Deadshot isn’t dead, right? — Lillian
Per Kreisberg: “I didn’t see him put in a bodybag. So…”
