#thoughts on fandom


Listening to BUCK-TICK right now, and a memory from years ago came flooding back.

I’d turned on an online pal to BUCK-TICK (as typical of fans back then) and had mailed to her several BUCK-TICK CDs from a record shop in Japan as a birthday present, to start her collection. She was playing it at home shortly thereafter, and said her boyfriend decided to mock it and did jerk-off gestures with his hand to the baseline beat, to be an asshole.

What was side splitting was, being sung in Japanese, he didn’t realize that was what the song was about.

Years ago, long before Sakurai did the brief garters and stockings thing, this book quote (below) was the confused sentiment if he bared his arms. On the not terribly common occasions he went sleeveless, we called it “arm pr0ns” (“arm porn”), said in early web slang used to bypass censorship filtering on forums and hosting services.

Things have changed so much since then. I remember many a private conversation, of people wondering if fans would have to wait until he eventually died and someone released a tell-all biography with private photos of him at someone’s swimming pool to see anything more than jawbone high collars, bulky blobby jackets and pants, and periodically the rare bit of upper arm under the jacket.

I wonder if he’s going to do the stockings or something like that again? He waited way too long to start… so late in their career…
