#thranduil drabbles


Prompt: Anonymous asked: hi!! can you please do one where thranduil gets super jealous because he saw a guard flirting with you?
Pairing: Thranduil x Reader
Written by: Shelby

Walking back from a border patrol unscathed always seemed to be a miracle. You’d seen enough guards attacked by spiders and had enough close calls that you considered yourself lucky to have obtained no injuries over the past weeks. However, it wasn’t until you actually stepped over the threshold of the front gates that you let yourself sigh with relief. You wouldn’t be surprised at an ambush during the short time the gates were open. Hearing them shut behind you, you smiled.

As you walked towards the armory to drop off your weapons, strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist, lifting you up and spinning you. 

“Glindir, be careful!” You cried. “I still have my sword on me; I’d hate for you to get hurt so soon after returning home safe!”

Laughing, the elven guard lightly set you on the floor and you gave him a grin. He was possibly the best friend you’d ever had in all your centuries of living in Mirkwood. 

“Trust me, I’d hate it even more, Y/N.” He replied. You frowned as you noticed a serious undertone in his voice.

“What is it?”

“Hmm? Oh, nothing. I’ve just been thinking, and I was wondering if you’d do me the honor of accompanying me to the festivities tonight.” He cheekily brushed your hair behind your ear, waiting for an answer.

“I’d be delighted!”

“Perfect!” He said. “If it is at all possible, I look forward to seeing you even lovelier than you are as a guard.” With that he turned and left, flashing you a smile as he walked.

Wait a second… You thought. Was he just flirting with me?

You barely had enough time to consider it before a flash of blond in the corner of your eye caught your attention. Whirling around, you searched for whomever it had been, but you could not place one elf to that color of hair; simply too many had it. 

Whatever. I have a dinner to get ready for.


Just as the sun was giving up the last of its light, your friend finished the final braid in your dark hair. You glanced in the mirror and decided you couldn’t be more ready for the occasion. 

A knock rang throughout the room and your excitement finally began to show, manifesting in a squeal of happiness and anticipation. Trying not to trip over the edges of your gown, you rushed to the mahogany door and opened it gracefully. There stood Glindir, dressed for the occasion and you believed he looked magnificent.

“Are you ready, arwenamin?” He asked, holding out his arm for you to take. 

Nodding, you placed your hand on his and let him lead you to the dining hall. 


The dinner lasted hours, with the elves around you getting progressively merrier. You preferred not to drink, always thinking it was best to be alert for anything that could happen. Throughout the night, you noticed that the king hadn’t touched his goblet, giving off a brooding stare. He was too far away for you to determine anything else about his mood, him sitting at the head of the table and all.

As it got closer to midnight, most of the elves left with their dates to either go to sleep or… to occupy their chambers some other way. Pretty much all of your friends had either not come or already left, so it was just you, Glindir, and his friends in your general section of the hall.

“Hey, mellonamin, I think it would be best to return to my chambers; the night grows dark and I find myself growing weary.” You whispered to him.

It was hard to get his attention in his drunken state around his friends, but once you did, he seemed to only have eyes for you. Putting an arm around your waist, he pulled you closer, smiling at you with wide, glazed eyes.

“Shall I walk you back, my lady?” He asked, words only slightly slurred.

“Thank you, but your other friends are here. I will be fine.” You replied, smiling at him.

“Other friends?” He wondered, gesturing to the other males at the table. “These are all my friends.”

“I am your friend too, Glindir, do not forget!” You said teasingly.

“Friend? I thought we were more than that…” His words trailed off as he concentrated hard.

Blushing, you gently stepped away. “I’m sorry, but no. I think I shall get going now.”

You rushed away from him, pushing open the double doors and leaving the party behind. His comment left you somewhat embarrassed and you couldn’t help but hope that was only the wine talking. You were content with being best friends. 

Your footsteps echoed off the stone hallway. When you began to concentrate on their comforting noise, you noticed that it sounded like more than one person walking. You turned around, spotting another figure in the shadowy light of the halls.

Quel undome,” you said. Good evening.

“I appreciate the formalities, but it is late and I do not care for them.” Came a deep, rich voice.

You knew that voice. It was the one that had offered so many toasts at so many holidays, the one that berated the guards when mistakes were made; it was the voice of the king.

“Forgive me, heru an amin." 

"What did I just say about formalities?” Thranduil questioned, stepping forward.

“Oh, um… I apologize, Thranduil.” You replied shyly.

As far as you knew, it wasn’t common for the king to make conversation with elves that weren’t his family or high-ranking officials. Yet here he was, less than three feet away from you.

“What can I do for you this evening?”

“You can answer a question.” His voice was stone cold, commanding respect, and you tensed up slightly under his harsh gaze. “What are your intentions with that guard?”

“I- intentions?” You asked, quite baffled. “I have no intentions with him at all. I accompanied my friend to the dinner because he asked.”

“And that is all he is? A friend?”

You nodded. 


Squinting in confusion, you looked at him, trying to gauge his intentions.

“Good? My king, why would that be g-”

You were cut off as he stepped forward again, hands wrapping around yours. 

“Always so formal. You were raised well,” he said, his small steps pushing you backwards little by little. “But I told you, there is no need for titles.”

Your back pressed against the wall and you finally identified the emotion hidden in his eyes.

Jealousy. Why?

Before you could give yourself an answer, he pulled your wrists to your sides, pinning against the stone. His kiss was unexpected and welcome all at the same time, burning with passion. As you returned it his hands slowly slid to your waist, gliding over the silk of your gown. He suddenly pulled back, leaving you breathless and disappointed as he fixed you with an icy but loving look.

Vanimle sila tiri, Y/N. I’d hate to see it wasted on a guard.”


arwenamin- my lady
mellonamin- my friend
heru an amin- my lord
Vanimle sila tiri- your beauty shines bright
