#thranduil x daughter


Modern!Thranduil x daughter headcannons

A/n: Ok I am almost sure this is how the mansion will look like because why not. And also if this sucks then I’m so sorry.

  • Being Thranduil’s daughter means you get special treatment.
  • Wether you’re older than Legolas or younger.
  • You would be spoiled rotten. (obvi)
  • You like reading?
  • You got a library.
  • Drawing? Painting?
  • Your father will get you the best supplies.
  • Do you like archery like your brother?
  • He is now your partner in training.
  • You would go to a prestigious boarding school.
  • Most likely to be friends with Elrond’s children along with Gimli and Aragorn.
  • I feel like your father daughter relationship is a very close bond, especially after he lost his wife (your mom) when you were at a such a young age.
  • He loves you and Legolas so much.
  • He gets protective tho.
  • He also taught Legolas that if any being tries to harm you in any way, he has the authority to eliminate, finish, take out, execute, terminate, which ever form you prefer, that person, but then again it depends.
  • It nearly happened once when a boy was holding your hand in a park when you were six.
  • Somehow he has the audacity to kiss your cheek.
  • In front of Thranduil.
  • Rest in peace to that random boy.
  • Thranduil glares, and if looks could kill that poor boy would have been dead over thousands of times.
  • So you get the idea.
  • Y/n’s future boyfriend/ girlfriend beware of the dad. And the big brother.
  • Overall, the three of you are the sweetest, family even if there is a missing piece.
  • You love your family and they love you too.