#thrd 30 seconds



As soon as Johnny walks out of the KT building, he’s craving for a long nap and probably a drink, though not necessarily in that order. He walks along, listening to music on his earphones. Honestly, he’d like to listen to anything but the song he’s supposed to be working on for rapping workshops. He sighs as the bright lights of the KT building finally disappear from view. It’s getting late, and he’s not exactly in the mood to catch up to whichever party his friends are at tonight. 

He contemplates heading to the convenience store before walking to the train station. He’s getting thirsty, and he’s not sure whether he wants to wait until he gets home to drink. He sighs as he gets himself a bottle of water before heading out to take the slightly long walk to the train station that will lead him home. 

Johnny pauses to take a sip of his water when he notices something… or rather someone rather unusual. Weren’t high schoolers supposed to be in cram school or something? Or at least heading home with their friends? So what was this one doing wandering around the streets at this hour? It’s either he’ll bust her for skipping class or he’ll help her go home. Either way, Johnny feels like he has to check what’s this kid’s game. Approaching her, he clears his throat. “You’ve got thirty seconds to explain to me what you’re doing here.”

This is the last time Ryujin put her trust into a GPS, that is for sure. She cannot believe that a tool like this can be so outdated to the point where she find herself lost in an area where they should have sufficient data, annoyance printed clearly on her features. Phone in hand still she has some slight hope to find the way to her father’s medical center and focused as ever, she’s not catching onto the fact that she is not alone in the streets.

Ryujin jumps visibly when a voice speaks to her in a tone that makes it seem like she’s done something wrong, hand clutching around the mobile to make sure that she don’t drop it in the surprise. “Seriously– ah, why are you scaring me like this…” She lets out a sigh once having collected herself, hand reaching up to comb through loose shoulder length hair. “What do you mean I’ve got thirty seconds, am I not allowed to be here…?” 

Confused by the demand she completely disregard the fact that it’s nearing midnight and that she’s alone, on a Saturday night; with her uniform tucked safely into her bag it’s impossible to see where she has came from. Stranger danger is obviously not by the things Ryujin concerns herself with as she respond comfortably, without neither fear nor worry. She’s not disrespectful however, she thinks, but she realise that the male is older than her.

a closed starter for @rkjohnny

When Ryujin picked up her phone to use the GPS she thought that she would be following an open road to the Shin Medical Center but instead, she find herself in unknown territory as she  blindly follow directions from a computer. Obviously the map isn’t updated and mayhaps that’s common knowledge but when provided with such a seemingly amazing tool, you’d expect that the gosh darn thing work properly too. Not today though, Ryujin has no idea where she is.

Staying back to dance for another hour surely was not her best idea considering the hours the group had initially went out, Ryujin met up with her fellow dancers just over 10PM. As the girls meant to perform for an hour only that wasn’t enough for the high schooler, who simply had to keep going until she realised that she would actually not reach the last train home. Thankfully it’s a Saturday off tomorrow, so she decided to puppy eyes her step-brother to drive her.

When he’s going home that is, Ryujin know that he’s a busy man. She want to scream when it says on the GPS that the assigned route is actually getting longer, she is clearly lost but she is also too stubborn to ask anyone for directions. Not that she could see anyone anyway. Having come straight from school she’s glad that she brought lighter clothes, wearing only shorts and t-shirt which honestly is hot enough due to the heat. 
