#threads celia




sophie smiled, her expression nearly bursting with fondness. leaning into celia’s touch, she realized that she never wanted this to stop ─ the gentle touches, the softly, tentatively uttered words. if she could lock them in this room for the rest of time, she would, and these thoughts shocked her ─ the way celia made her feel scared her.  “ i mean, you have yet to convince me that buying a two thousand dollar louis bag is worth it. that part i don’t understand. ”  classic sophie, retorting to humor. she nibbled down her lip, facial expression softening.  “ i-i got you, okay ? ”  lifting her head, she kissed celia again.  “ i’m right here. i’m not leaving. ”

“it’s okay, i don’t totally understand that part, either.” celia let out a little laugh, leaning into the second kiss and resting her forehead against sophie’s for a moment before lowering herself to tuck her head under sophie’s chin, nestling against her chest. she could feel the tension seeping out of her body, draining from her muscles as she let herself relax and take comfort in the other girl, one hand slowly tracing patterns on sophie’s arm. eyes fluttered closed, the words washing over her i’m right here. i’m not leaving. she was embarrassed to feel her eyes prickling with tears, quickly swiping them away with her free hand before mumbling, “okay.” 
