#threads milo




“ shut up, dude. i’m, like, fully revealing my deepest secrets to you and this is how you react ? ”  he snickered quietly, his mind entertaining the sudden idea to push milo’s face into his burrito bowl as revenge, but he decided against food waste in the end.  “ nah, the basketball shorts didn’t really make me feel anything. ”  caleb looked up from underneath his lashes, grinning timidly.  “ i don’t know, i thought his hair was nice. his curls were cute. ”

milo grinned back at the shorter male, lowering his burrito to respond. “i can’t help it, man. how can i not react like this?it’sshocking.” he teased. “nah, i get it, though. i had a crush on him and keke palmer back when i watched jump in. i must’ve been, like, twelve? it was a retro movie night on disney channel and my dad was at some business conference or something…” his eyes took on a reminiscent look for a moment before he laughed and shook his head. “oh yeah? you like curly hair, huh?” he reached over and tousled caleb’s straighter locks playfully.
