#three heads make a lot of noise


I’m moving!! So much has happened in the last little while, but I’m hoping that with a new location that doesn’t drain my will to live, I might be able to spend some times on my dolls (no guarantees tho, full time work takes a lot out of me tbh)

My DollShe Fashion Diana arrived today, after two plus years of waiting

She’s gorgeous af and I’m happy to have her home, but she has so many bits and all I can think of is all the hybriding I’m going to have to do (she’s got three total heads, two chests and like a million hands and feet)

I definitely won’t order from Dollshe again, but I might order through BJDivas again, they were very nice and helpful.

Now she returns to her box along with everyone else who has arrived recently, because I don’t have the time and space to deal with her

Found the spoons to queue up some photos I had in drafts. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to get some new photos uploaded. Dealing with my living situation and *gestures broadly at the state of the world* is taking most of my spoons these days

I hope you’re all safe and doing well
