#ths alpha build


I just finished working on the second ‘sneaking out’ scene, and I think the next general demo update should be ready by Thursday or Friday. This will be the last update for the general demo, and the rest will be available on Patreon, and then, in the closed beta.

The first two 'sneaking out’ scenes (Marco and Odyss) are already in the Alpha Build, as I update the build whenever I finish a scene. There is also a poll you can vote in, a post about the history of the Hidden Sanctum, and a Twine mini-game about Sky.

There is also a more detailed update post if that’s something you’re interested in. I note my progress there every day.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

We have two updates today!

I have just updated the general demo for The Hidden Sanctum. While it’s mostly an editorial update, I did rewrite a few paragraphs to make a certain conversation easier to follow (the one with the High Archon, after your trip with Mr. Bells).

I also changed some things in the code to hide spoilers. You may not notice it right away, but I think it was really important.

As for Patreon, I’ve updated the Alpha Build by adding five variations of a scene that will lead you to the first mini-game. There’s also a new poll, and you can pick the next Twine short story I’m going to write!

It’s probably best if you see the Table of Contents for yourself, as it is free for everyone, and I update it daily.


Another week is coming an end, and it’s time for the update. I wrote about 10.000 words this week, and that doesn’t include the new lore post for Patreon (you can read it now!) or a personalized short story I wrote for one of my patrons.

Chapter 5 is coming along very nicely, and it’s going to be a bit longer than I thought it’d be. I am adding two mini-games. One will be at the door to the High Archon’s office (kind of like a lock), and the other will be protecting something that’s hidden inside! ^^

You can play through the first scenes of Chapter 5 in the Alpha Build. There’s also a new lore post available, and this one is about the Veil of Storms. (It doesn’t include spoilers.)

You can check out the Table of Contents right here.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


THS Alpha Build Content Update

The first few scenes of Chapter 5 are available now in the Alpha Build. It’s not much, but I’ll be adding more later this week. There are unique moments for Sun and Mischief, and you can pick who will join you for the mission. (The one you learned about at the end of Chapter 4!)

I’m also working on correcting some small things in Chapters 0-4, so a small public demo update will be coming in a few days, too.


Another two scenes are available in the Alpha Build. One of them is about Minjoon (though he doesn’t actually appear in it), and the other lets you sneak out with Elena at the end of Chapter 4.

The Alpha Build also lets you sneak out with Odyss and Marco, and it includes the beginning of the last scene you’ll see in Chapter 4.

Overall, there’s over 10.000 words worth of new content in the Alpha Build, and you can check it out right now!

I believe I should be able to finish Chapter 4 in a couple of days, and this week’s update will be the last content update for the open beta. Chapters 5-10 will be available in the Alpha Build, during the closed beta (this Fall), and, of course, once the game is published.

I hope to finish Chapter 5 by the end of April, as it will be focusing on a single task and shouldn’t be more than 20.000 words.
