
2nd Karmapa Karma Pakshi with Jinasagara above and Dorje Legpa Garwai Nagpo, the Black Hammersmith w

2nd Karmapa Karma Pakshi with Jinasagara above and Dorje Legpa Garwai Nagpo, the Black Hammersmith who made the meteorite iron phurbas for Guru Rinpoche below!

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Tibetan artist Gonkar Gyatso is internationally renowned for his signature eye-catching style, whichTibetan artist Gonkar Gyatso is internationally renowned for his signature eye-catching style, whichTibetan artist Gonkar Gyatso is internationally renowned for his signature eye-catching style, whichTibetan artist Gonkar Gyatso is internationally renowned for his signature eye-catching style, whichTibetan artist Gonkar Gyatso is internationally renowned for his signature eye-catching style, which

Tibetan artist Gonkar Gyatso is internationally renowned for his signature eye-catching style, which weaves together Buddhist iconography and the discarded remnants of pop culture. A child of the Cultural Revolution and a resident of both the East and West as an adult, his pieces explore themes such as identity, oppression, globalization, and consumerism. The monograph Gonkar Gyatso: Three Realms is available in the stacks at the Ryerson & Burnham Libraries, and provides background and insight into the artist’s vision.

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