

teal is my General favorite color but honest 2 god i think my favorite interior design/decor color is brown. a nice solid brown with like some yellow & orange for pizazz is so

GOOD morning it is

[ID: a picture of the muppet andorian from the jim henson hour in a crowd of other alien muppets with flaming text that says “MUPPET ANDORIAN MONDAY” on both the top and bottom. the image is covered in animated graphics of sparkles, explosions, and other various additives.]


WHO is watchin dr phibes rises again to nightttt

vulnavia nonverbal icon


jon & vangelis hours,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

absolutely obsessed with this video

jon & vangelis hours,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

WHO is watchin dr phibes rises again to nightttt


[ID: a drawing of two minecraft zombies walking toward the viewer. the second picture is for scale and shows an enderman plush, surrounded by happy meal furbies, holding the tiny sketchbook open to the drawing.]

the real personality test is your most common cause of death in minecraft. mines falling



minecraft is about when a guy just starts spinning

minecraft is also about when you catch a glimpse of the villagers kissing. mawwiage…….twue wuv

third and thoremost minecraft is mostly about when a golem hands you a flower. thinks for listening


minecraft is about when a guy just starts spinning

minecraft is also about when you catch a glimpse of the villagers kissing. mawwiage…….twue wuv

minecraft is about when a guy just starts spinning


the lawnmower man (the goddamnable movie, not the goddamnable story) is like if you took tron and scanners and combined them to make something worse

[ID: a doodle depicting two people, labelled “me” and “dad,” hunched over in a basement, the ceiling of which is labelled “4 foot high ceiling.” i am wearing protective clothing and pulling insulation, labelled “old decrepit insulation,” from the ceiling into a bag labelled “enormous garbage bag of decrepit insulation.” my dad is shoving concrete, labelled “fistful of concrete,” into the wall, labelled “wall full of holes,” and saying “everythings comin up milhouse.” on the ceiling is a cave cricket, labelled “cave cricket,” and on the floor is a dead rat, labelled “dead rat,” as well as a light just laying there labelled “light source.”]

Me & Dad Solving Pest Problems In Our Awful Basement That We Hate


was trying to remember the name of a story & got so lost in thought i almost just posted “what is it” with no context

every time theres somethin to do with a dog with human eyes Every time, and my friends can confirm this, every time im like “ohh whats that story theres a story” theres a story that briefly mentions a dog with human eyes and its a house and theres some girl & maybe like an evil cave & the dog might actually be a chupacabra & theyre monitoring her from a van idk. every time. every time and believe it or not i go on a Tangent

was trying to remember the name of a story & got so lost in thought i almost just posted “what is it” with no context

i love having multiple names i cant believe i used to not have multiple names

you follow the most regular normal tags on this site and it digs through the depths of hell to put the most wretched shit on your dash

feeling like screaming and madness and screaming and madness and screaming and madness and Screaming



[ID: a discord emoji of frank langella’s face, hovered over so the info bubble says “:frank:” followed by “click to learn more.”]
