


[Video ID: A TikTok by user @ catboyslimshady. The video shows a person with short green and blue dyed hair, an orange shirt, and a pink Trolls jacket speaking into the camera. When asking “Hey, are you a male or a female?” they speak using body language that suggests that they are imitating someone who is confused. They then switch to talking as themself using a more casual demeanor, saying “Mmm, actually, for your information, I’m Gmail” before turning and whipping their head around rapidly. Their face becomes distorted as the Gmail logo appears on their face with a fade-in. End ID]

[CC: “(Imitating someone else) Hey, are you a male or a female?” (Speaking as themself) Mmm, actually, for your information? (They give a brief dramatic pause). I’m Gmail. (As the Gmail logo appears onscreen, distorted laughter followed by rock instrumentals can be heard)]
