#time of the raven


I’ve read “Exlibrium” “Between Three Fires” (issues 15-18) + the ending from the Epilogue of “The Time of The Raven”. The people of the library united with MEC managed to catch a person, who kept the “The Hammer of Witches”, to do so they had to fight a flaming inquisitor – the author of the book. They brought the book back to the library, one of the heads of the circle opened the book for them and all the students go there, distribute their roles – who are going to attack the inquisitor, who are going to protect and heal their pears, and Lilya and Mathew are trying to remove the Stone of Force from inside of the book, because it was giving the inquisitor his powers but it doesn’t work, so Inga (the hottest head of the company) had to get out of the book and literally bite the stone of the front cover so that people inside the book could finally defeat the burning man and leave him for the mercy of his former victims. Everybody returned, more or less safe, the wounded had been cured, but the directress didn’t get the chance to relax: the Magister (the guy who started all that mess) appeared in her cabinet and started “negotiating” for the stone. The head of the circle gave him this stone for the price of neutrality of the Book Order. Not the best decision. So, I’ve finally read the whole first phase of “Bubble Comics” up to “The Time of The Raven”, except for “Legends of Bubble”.
