#time travel group


Tsuya: Happy White Day….er…I mean, Valentines Day! I would travel through time and space for you, ya know? Let’s spend some time together!

Sharifa: To my Valentine, I forsee a future with us together. May our relationship be honest and pure with each other.

Chimalma: Feliz día de San Valentín! Te quiero! Let us gorge on chocolate and drink the many chocolate drinks of love!

June: Happy Valentines Day. Let my healing love help you feel happy and healthy! It’s a victory for me if you are well!

Hilda: Y-Y-You are my sweetheart! Our l-l-love will explode for a lifetime. Please allow me to treat you for d-d-dinner!

Makoto: You may not be Tsuya, but I will still treat you like my princess! Accept my love and devotion for today! Perhaps we can share a treat too.

Mako: *Blushing* Valentine, I would fight for you today! Do not despair if you feel discouraged, for I will make sure no witch harms you. Please depend on me today!

*New girls part of the squad courtesy of @honestlyboringperson*

Amanda: Bless the Lord for you Valentine. I pray that today will bring you peace and love. Later, let us make chocolate hearts to show our love for all.

Eleonore: Merci valentine! I thank you for your gifts and treats! Even if I now wear rags, you treat me better than any prince could!

*Even the Phantom Sisters*

Riona: I’ll take your breath away Valentine. I’ll cut you up with love and steal your voice so I can hear you tell me you love me.

Ciara: Even if I can’t see, I know you are there Valentine. You reflect true love towards me, so I will keep you in my mirror forever.

Nessa: I can hear your thoughts Valentine. Your heartbeat is an indicator of how much you love me.

@muffinrecord Thank you for making this awesome template! I’m gonna do the Time Travel Squad for this! I have new characters to introduce, but I will make a post on them.

1. What Magia Record character would/could your OC be good friends with?

Tsuya: I’m friends with Yachiyo and Ria! Both of them are great models! Oh, and Kanagi too! She’s my other co-worker! And I can’t forget Ikumi, she’s so cute!

Sharifa: I have met Nanaka’s friends and I have made myself acquainted with them. I also frequent with Felicia. Kako and Ren are my book buddies.

Chimalma: Tsuruno! I love her! She’s so cool and she makes the best food! I also am foodie friends with Manaka and Tsumugi!

June: Iroha and Ui are so kind to me. I also love chatting with Kaede and Momoko.

Hilda: I’m a little paranoid about meeting other people, but I do like Mikage and Sudachi. I met them by chance. Oh, and Sana too! She’s my comfort friend.

Makoto/Mako: Well, in male form, I get teased by Ria enough for us to be friends. I’m also good buddies with Mayu by association. In female form, Sasara and Asuka are fun training partners. I also have tea with Aimi, we talk about our love lives.

2. What Magia Record character would your OC HATE?

Tsuya: Hate!? I would never hate any magical girl! These wishes are hard on everyone, but everyone has a good reason to act the way they are.

Sharifa: I despise that Nemu girl. She’s too smart mouthed.

Chimalma: Hmm…I don’t like Rena. She’s a mean girl.

June: I don’t hate anyone either. I feel like everyone is entitled to their own feelings.

Hilda: Does the whole world except for my friends count?

Makoto/Mako: Anyone who harms Tsuya gets my hate!

3. How would your OC feel about the Kamihama Magical Union?

Tsuya: I would love to join if they let me and my team.

Sharifa: Same here.

Chimalma: Me too!

June: There are some kind girls there!

Hilda: W-W-Well I g-g-guess if m-m-my friends j-j-joined.

Makoto/Mako: If Tsuya joined them, I would follow her.

4. Would your OC have joined the Wings of Magius, given the chance? Why or why not?

*The whole group shakes their head, not even questioning their decision*

5. What would the name of your OC’s witch be? If they were outside Kamihama, what would be a sad story of how they could turn into a witch?

Tsuya: JikanMirai. The only reason I would turn into a witch is if I saw all my friends dying around me or I got trapped between time and space.

Sharifa: AnktSet. My witch transformation would be triggered by the betrayal of my comrades or if I saw too many injustices.

Chimalma: Mictlan. I probably would be transformed due to my friends leaving me or if they died!

June: Libertia. If I couldn’t heal my friends or if they were to die like my father, I would plunge right into despair.

Hilda: Little Girl. Paranoia, that’s what would do me in.

Makoto/Mako: To be honest, the only thing I would become is an extension to Tsuya. My soul is connected to hers, so the second she turns into a witch, I join with her.

6. How does your OC feel about Mirrors? Do they avoid it, go there to practice, or want to solve it’s mysteries– or do they have a different motivation?

Tsuya: I love seeing my reflection in them. They do, however, remind me of that one Phantom Sister.

Sharifa: A great place to burn off steam.

Chimalma: Kinda creepy, but silent enough for me to eat snacks in.

June: Scares the dickens out of me!

Hilda: I go in there from time to time and practice my magic.

Makoto/Mako: I go for training, but they always send clones of Tsuya at me!

7. How does your OC feel about Kyubey? Do they know the truth about where witches come from?

Tsuya: The wish granting yokai? Oh he’s a darling! When I go shopping, he has the best opinions on what to wear. Oh, I learned the truth years ago. Time travel does that to you.

Sharifa: That thing is a great source of comfort. It also sleeps with me the most. About witches, well I figured it out.

Chimalma: He’s always at my practices and cheers me on. We go out to eat afterwards. He told me the truth, but I’m not afraid.

June: He’s my little helper, knowing the best places to go for tea. I figured out the truth too.

Hilda: I do seek him for companionship and he’s nice to have on stormy nights. It scared me at first when I learned the truth, but it wasn’t surprising.

Makoto/Mako: I’m wary of the one that hangs near Tsuya. He has ulterior motives….Other than that, I know about witches due to my own wish.

8. Your OC just unleashed their Doppel! What sort of inner battle takes place? How do they overcome their inner darkness?

Tsuya: My inner battle would be between me wanting to make friends or going back home. I struggle with loneliness and the innermost feelings I have is that one day the girls will abandoned me. However, when I think about it, we share a bond that goes beyond time and space. I would overcome the darkness with said bond.

Sharifa: For me, the battle between truth and ideals would take place. I want to believe that there’s good in this world and not everything should be taken in face value. My problem is that I want to know the truth behind everything, but sometimes the truth isn’t always what you expect. To overcome this is to accept the fact that you will not always get the truth out of everyone.

Chimalma: *Shivers* Inner battle huh? Well my wish is tied to the fact that I want to protect my friends and family. Part of this makes me think that I am truly weak and cannot save everyone. Part of me doesn’t want to admit it, but I don’t like the fact that I would not be able to save my friends one day. But, I can cherish the moments I have with them now and forever.

June: My doppel might come out when I least suspect it. The grief I carry inside my heart is hidden by the support and care I give to my friends. That grief would manifest in front of me, reminding me how I couldn’t save my father back then. My mother always said to overcome grief is to live through it and then get stronger for it. I won’t be in despair when so many are cheering for me.

Hilda: Where do I start? Causing the destruction of Hiroshima? Not choosing a side in a life changing war? How about my constant need for comfort to curve my paranoia? You’ll have to come back to me.

Makoto/Mako: I wouldn’t even be fighting myself in the inner world. I probably will see both myself and Tsuya in a future that might’ve been if she hadn’t left me. I still regret not proposing to her that night and living my life with her. Losing her made such a big impact on me and I will continue to have those regrets.

9. Kaede is inside a witch’s barrier and needs saving! How does your OC help? …Or do they not help?

*The entire group would drop everything to go help her if they were close by. June would make sure she was okay, Hilda would help her out, and the rest would be fighting the witch.*

10. It’s Chapter Ten, and the fight against Walpurgisnacht beings. What is your OC doing?

*Tsuya, Mako, Sharifa, and Chimalma are helping the other magical girls while June and Hilda help rally the rest of the troops and heal them*

I realize that this week is supposed to be about Chimalma, but her post is running late. I will post it this week, but I wanted to get a more action scene out featuring Makoto/Mako trying to join the Time Travel Group. Please enjoy this young man/woman’s attempt to help his/her beloved while keeping the identity a secret.

This goes out to @agstudio9 for their brilliant question about Makoto/Mako!

The Heartbeating Friendship

Makoto admired her.

Everything that Tsuya did was so intoxicating and alluring from her demure attitude to the way she expresses her emotions. Ever since he felt her presence enter the modeling agency, he had taken every chance to meet her and gain her love. Ria constantly made jokes about how it would take him forever to get her affection, but he knew one method to try and get to know her.

“Have a good night Makoto!” Tsuya smiled at him, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Working two jobs a week to earn money for the apartment was her life now, but she couldn’t complain. She had fun being a model and working at the Maid Cafe with Kanagi.

“You too, maybe one day I can take you out for coffee or tea somewhere.” Makoto asked her, blushing to himself as he put his modeling clothes up.

Tsuya gave him a small smile. “I would love to, but not at the moment. There’s so much going on in my life that I don’t have a moment’s rest. Although, I’ll see if I can squeeze you in sometime this month.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Makoto sighed to himself as he watched her leave the building. “My beloved Tsuya, what will it take to win you over? Must I change myself to see what you like or dislike now? I would die a thousand deaths for you and yet, if you never die, I will continue to be reincarnated for you.”

Suddenly, his soul gem started to glow brightly on his finger. Growling, he stared out the window to see that a witch’s labyrinth had popped up close to the building. Putting his bag down, he ran out to get ready to transform into his other self. Making sure no one was around, he allowed the magic to surround his body, making him change into her.

Mako’s outfit was beautiful and simple. A light green kimono dress that stopped at her knees, long deep green stockings, and black sandals. Her hair was put into a top bun, a lotus flower hair comb in the middle. Her face was even covered with light makeup, making her lips red and cheeks blush. Her soul gem was hidden on the ring on her finger. Her two Tanegashima appeared in her hands as she ran into the labyrinth.

The familiars surrounded her, their tentacles trying to stop her advancement. Mako easily dispatched of them, sending green shots of energy at them, destroying them instantly. Running faster, she dodged their attacks, took them out, and managed to get herself deeper. A cry came out from the bridge she was crossing, seeing another fellow magical girl struggling with the tentacle familiars.

“Hold on!” Mako shouted, shooting precisely at the tentacles to release the poor girl, catching her from her death. “Are you alri-”

Tsuya stared up at her with a grateful smile and a starry eyed look in her eyes. “Wow! You’re amazing! Your Tanegashima are quite beautiful along with your outfit.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m usually a better fighter than this, but I’ve been so tired lately to do my time jumps. Would you please help me take this witch out? You can have the grief seed!”

Mako shook as she noticed the girl whom she had a crush on was in her arms right now! Hastily, she placed Tsuya back on the ground and covered her face with her sleeves. “I guess so. I do better in long range than close combat. If you strike, I’ll get them from behind. You can count on me.”

Tsuya hugged the blushing beauty, causing her to blush harder. “Yay! As the teenagers say now, you are lit! My name is Tsuya, what’s yours?”


“Mako-chan, let’s be good friends! I have a feeling this will be a great friendship.”

Tsuya took her hand and started running deeper into the witch’s labyrinth. Mako still had her face covered to avoid the alluring gaze of her female companion.

If her heart wasn’t racing before, it was certainly racing now!
