#timeless child



The Thirteenth Doctor’s enmity with Time, the smoking mirror of her own fears, her self-canceling wishes to keep hold of what’s about to regenerate and blow away, and the sentient malignant and cruel force the Division long ago had to restrain. The era’s take on history is brutal, cold. The aggressive literal fantasy of Atropos and its implications vs the more poetic realism of Rosa,The Demons of the Punjab

TheTimeless Child, an innocent literally evolved to hold back death, entering our universe in its infancy… 

The Boundary in Ascension of the Cybermen presented as the same event that dropped the child into N-Space, its legendary context (if not how the Master uses it when he hijacks it) being a doorway, salvation, away from a horrible devastation. A way to leave an apocalypse. 

Travel between universes in Flux being presented as a step through the pause between the next universe and the chaotic destruction of the former. The Flux and the accompanying Time Force being an (hilariously) Chibnall™ take on Season 18 (kino), Logopolis, the haunted decay humming behind the Davison era. The entropy threatening all things, the decaying TARDIS, the decaying universe. 

Chibnall’s current vein of the Doctor’s terror of change and moving on, wanting to cling to the past, how it’s such a stark and grounding contrast to RTD and Moffat touches of the same immortality, the sort’ve blunt bite of it? 

How long has this timeless child run from Time? How many universes have fluxed and aged and atrophied away to nothing, and this laughing magician, an eternal cuckoo, manages to escape to the next one? To worm their way into the aristocracies and cathedrals of universal laws, finding a home somewhere in the narrative, until it all begins again and Time, once more, tries to catch up with them?

How long? How long have they lived? No wonder Morbius’ cranium exploded. 

She kisses my boo boos,

She braids my hair.

We love you mothers everywhere.

I mean, I guess you could regenerate as a baby, but…

Thanks Timeless Child storyline…ok, the last one wasn’t your fault


anyway shout out to ephemer for a lot of things but specifically his design talents cause scala is beautiful

i can’t remember who’s to blame, i can’t remember nothing at allbut i know i don’t belong; i knew it

i can’t remember who’s to blame, i can’t remember nothing at all
but i know i don’t belong; i knew it all along

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