#titus groan


Two of my favorite characters from my favorite books. Lady Fuchsia Groan, and the greatest motherfucker ever written. Full view recommended.

Titus Groan, by Mervyn Peake / Trinity College’s Library


He had brooded long and was about to take a candle that stood ready on a table at his elbow and search for a book more in keeping with his mood than were the essay on his knee, when he felt the presence of another thought that had been empering his former cogitations, but which now stood boldly in his mind. It had begun to make itself felt as something that clouded and disturbed the clarity of his reflections when he had pondered on the purpose and significance of tradition and ancestry, and now with the thought detached from its erudite encumbrances he watched it advance across his brain and appear naked, as when he had first seen his son, Titus.

His depression did not lift; it only moved a little to one side.
