#to all of them



Thunderstorms mixed with monsoons because Thor and Indra are having some kind of deity equivalent of a water balloon fight.

Hela and Persephone drinking Pomegranate and Chocolate liquor while discussing their love lives. (… and trying not to discuss their fathers. At all.)

Bragi, Brigid, and Minerva trying to see who can inspire prettier art/poetry… And they all can’t choose and Bragi winds up as a spider, Minerva as a flame, and Brigid as one of her own anvils until they all agree to call the whole thing off.

Jesus and Dionysus comparing instant-wine recipes and notes at a party. (Even CS Lewis would smile at this one do not start.)

Loki sneaking catnip into the offering bowl and later seeing if a laser pointer will work on Bast and Sekmet. (And it did.)
