#to all vegans


hello vegans, hello non-vegans

As a Vegan I didn’t put my content out here to win arguments. My Tumblr was aimed for vegans to supplying them a page full of vegan quotes, vegan memes, basic information and so on. My Tumblr wasn’t aimed for non-vegans to attack them. I don’t care about winning or losing an argument,
as a vegan I simply want toend animal abuse
for it is not necessary
in today’s society andtherefore
morally wrong to keep doing so.
We have plenty of evidence that eating animals and their secretions (milk, eggs, honey etc) is detrimental for our planet and human health. And it certainly causes billions of animals to suffer yearly and go extinct which leads to devastating our ecosystem even more and therefore endangers the survival for our own species along with the animals kingdom.

As a human I am humiliated that we still treat animals in horrific ways, that we don’t take care of our planet and still engage in human wars. I strive to live in peace and kindness. I wasn’t born vegan, I was obligated to eat meat as a child and mocked when I went vegetarian, yet in my twenties I educated myself and became fully vegan (thanks to Gary Yourofsky’s speech video on youtube) .

There is no excuse for animal abuse.

I notice that when non-vegans come across my tumblr, they tend to get offended and feel the need to throw shade at me, personally or towards all vegans. I honestly don’t understand this need to be hateful, but I feel sad that they’ve been lied to their whole lives by the capitalizing industries in spite of their health. Yet because we share our unaware history (through our parent’s generation), I don’t hate hateful non-vegans, I simply feel sorry that they aren’t open for new information.All vegans needed to learn the truth eventually about the meat, dairy and egg industries. And later on about: vivisection, wool, honey, gelatin, silk, goose down or duck down, circus, zoos etc

We’ve been lied to, and that is something we have in common.

You can either accept that you’ve been wrong in the past, evolve as a human being and adapt towards a vegan lifestyle, or
keep the status quo: repeat the lies we’ve been miseducated since childhood (at home, at school, on television..) about the (so called) “benefits” or “need” for: milk, eggs, meat, fish..
so you can ease your consciousness, trying to “justify” the mass-slaughter you participate by paying, with your money, in order to keep feeding your harmful addiction of meat, cheese, bacon and eggs…

It is wrong.

And therefore vegans will speak up on behalf of the victims: the animals.

It’s sad that there is such a need to attack vegans when in fact there is a global problem going on that most of us keep ignoring. This distracts every individual from their personal responsibility to make the world a better place for yourself, your children, your loved ones, and those you have nothing in common with as well.

Your government isn’t concerned with the educating what is true, government is being paid by those who want to keep you in the dark so you keep doing whatever they want you to do, and cash in on your unawareness.

I know many of us consider themselves as animal-lovers, yet they overlook one thing: there is a dead animal on your plate. And if by any chance you are already a vegetarian, ask yourself “what happens to the male chicks in the egg industry?”, ask yourself “does a cow die for making cheese?”
