#to do later



okay wait u should all take the nyt dialect quiz which will tell u where ur from based on the words you use for certain things. don’t dox urself in the tags tho






An Alaska Native group decided to make a video game. It’s like nothing you’ve ever played before.

One of the most groundbreaking, critically acclaimed, and delightful video games of 2014 began in a highly unlikely place — Anchorage, Alaska.

It’s called “Never Alone” (or “Kisima Ingitchuna”). And it wasn’t developed by Nintendo, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, or any of the other big game studios.

It was the brainchild of the Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC) — a nonprofit community support organization for Alaska Natives and their families.

And while many Alaska Native communities are struggling to hold on to their identities in the 21st century, the council saw “Never Alone” as both a way of becoming more financially self-sufficient and a necessary new method of transferring cultural knowledge from one generation to the next.

it’s on sale for $4.49 on steam right now

It’s actually super fun, too. Please play it~♥

Oh man, I saw something about this a while ago, it looks really fun and cute!

I bought this years ago - probably because of this post - and it includes a lot of traditional art and folklore inspiration as well as genuine educational bits. Your can choose to stop and learn about the cultural context of what you are doing and seeing along the way and the core story is based on beliefs they felt were most important. A really great experience, I might need to go back and do it again.
