#to steal



thinking about pokemon glitch sorcery again

for instance how fucked-uply appropriate it is that the single unavoidable side effect of using 8F for code injection is that it erases your name

not, like, replaces it with gibberish, just straight-up erases it, and that’s the only side effect if you know what you’re doing

I mean, burning away your name as part of a powerful magic ritual is something I’d expect someone to come up with on purpose



ARGs and analog horror series on youtube are probably one of the last bastions of creativity for creativity’s sake on the internet because by their nature they are extremely hard to monetize. you cant do sponsorships because it would break the immersion, same goes for ads. the best ive seen creators do is patreon support but even by doing a patreon theyre calling attention to the fact that theres one singular human behind every series and none of this is “real”, as in, these vhs tapes recordings were never tapes, theyre avi files created in premiere pro etc. ofc im not condemning patreons, im just saying they can break the immersion a bit. when it comes to horror series , youre never meant to see the guy behind the curtain so to speak, so all of this makes it super hard for the creators to make money off youtube. i dont think ppl pick this form of creativity to profit or to get popular , they just had an idea and put it out there for the sake of making something… and i like that : ) in the era of monetizing everything, including ur art and hobbies, analog horror and args remain very genuine and authentic.

but now that ive typed all that i think it would b extremely funny if an arg protagonist paused their scared vlog rant to do a sponsorship like ‘i think im being uhm. followed and i havent slept all week but (clears throat) but thankfully raid shadow legends has proved to be an excellent distraction during this time!! raid shadow legends is a mobile game in which’

#the monster has been following me but with nord vpn it thinks im in japan

Hey, if your protagonist is a YouTuber it would be unrealistic for them not to awkwardly segue into ads mid-video.



Wizard: Oh, I like your Goblin detecting sword! That’s funny.

Goblin who thought they just had a cool glowing sword: … My what now?

These comments are breaking me
