#to the mountains


hey so i guess this might be an ongoing thing bc i relate so many songs i like to fiction and “to the mountains” by lizzie mcalpine is legit feyre in acomaf so i’ll share my thoughts.

“Oh, I’m headed to the mountains
I’ll be back in a week or two
Don’t you try to reach me ‘cause I won’t pick up for you
I’ve got some things I need to do“

so like im imagining right when feyre finds out that rhys is her mate and she asks mor to take her away so she goes to the cottage in the mountains (i believe its the house of mist but i might be wrong). But it works well because she says to mor “I want you to take me somewhere far away.” feyre also asks mor not to tell rhys where she is and tell him that she doesn’t want to be found yet. also some things to do, feyre? like vandalize a house with ur stick figures that you’ve never even been in before without consulting anyone first? go off ig

“Oh I’m headed to the mountains
Where the air is sweet and new
Don’t you try to reach me 'cause I don’t want to talk to you
I’ve got some thinking to do”

in acomaf, feyre thinks to herself, “I needed to get away– I needed to think, to have space and quiet and calm,” (chapter 51) which is a lot like the song bc she has some thinking to do about her relationship with rhys and how she feels about being lied to. also, when she gets there, she points out that it felt fresh and clean compared to her, which was a sign that she was going to heal.

“I’m trying to let go
I think it could help being alone
And I’m trying not to let you make me cry
I’ve spilled too many tears
And I think I deserve to be alone”

feyre clearly just needed time alone to think through and process everything that had happened. she was trying to let go of the anger she had initially felt when the suriel told her that she was rhys’s mate. she was trying to finally let go of her relationship with tamlin that had been holding her down even though they had already separated. she was trying to let go of her past trauma and she needed to be alone in order to see that the future that she pictured for herself wasn’t one where she was alone, but with rhysand. 

“And don’t you try to reach me while I pick myself up and go
I’ve got to do this on my own
I need to build myself a home“

i love this because this is rly what she does. she takes a few days to recoup. feyre spends her time thinking, painting and becoming more at peace with everything. she needed to realize herself that rhys was her home. i also think that her painting kind of symbolizes how she is making this life her own, since she customizes everything. and the painting obviously shows her healing, since she wasn’t able to paint when she came back from under the mountain. I also think the line about home goes with the line mor tells feyre, “ Is it so bad– to be his mate? To be a part of our court, our family, tangled history and all?” (chapter 52). and she finally gets her answer from that.

“Oh, I’m headed to the mountains
The only place I feel the peace
And I knew you’d come after me so I threw away the keys
But I know you never go when I say leave
I’m headed to the mountains don’t wait up for me”

so now she’s saying that she is able to feel peace in the mountains, which is very true considering the contrast from under the mountain where she felt very suffocated and trapped. now she also says that she knew he would come for her, which of course, does happen. but since she was able to process everything by then, she can let him in :)

this was a fun one and also very accurate in my opinion haha hope ya’ll liked it.
