#toasty queue






I would ask everyone in the notes making “Just get married” jokes to pay attention to the fact that the person who tweeted this has a wheelchair emoji in their name and remember the fact that people on social security disability payments lose all their benefits the instant they get married.

A rule like this will fully back disabled people on SSI into an ultimatum of stay single and get evicted or marry and become unable to pay the rent anyway.

This is such a great point. We all need to be mindful of how a lot of these laws are used for ableism. There are so many things we do that we don’t know we’re doing that was put in place to actively harm the disabled community. Like the way a lot of jobs require you to be able to lift 50 pounds even though it has nothing to do with the job.

Something that a friend of mine pointed out also is the demographics of Shawnee. Shawnee is a suburb of Kansas City, MO (a lot of Johnson County is).

Compare to:

The city itself.

This isn’t just “we can keep the poor people out,” it’s definitely “we can keep the foreigners/the Black people out.”
