
Hello one and all!!! Thank you for filling out the Interest Check! With all your help, we are now haHello one and all!!! Thank you for filling out the Interest Check! With all your help, we are now haHello one and all!!! Thank you for filling out the Interest Check! With all your help, we are now haHello one and all!!! Thank you for filling out the Interest Check! With all your help, we are now haHello one and all!!! Thank you for filling out the Interest Check! With all your help, we are now ha

Hello one and all!!! Thank you for filling out the Interest Check! With all your help, we are now happy to announce TodoIzuOcha Week 2022! And this is no joke. This year it will take place from May 2nd to May 8th!

We will be using the same rules from last year (to be posted again shortly), so make sure to check them out before joining the celebration! In addition, please use the tag #todoizuochaweek2022 on you posts as well as tagging us to make sure we see you when you post!

Now, onto the prompts! Feel free to mix and match them however you want! Creativity is encouraged! We’re just here to celebrate the bond shared by this trio!

Day 1, May 2nd: Soulmate AU, Childhood AU, Recovery, Fate

Day 2, May 3rd: Fantasy AU, Magical Girl AU, Discovery, Magic

Day 3, May 4th: Mythology/Gods AU, Angel/Demon AU, Stars, Future

Day 4, May 5th: Villain AU, Cyberpunk AU, Scars, Confessions

Day 5, May 6th: No Quirk AU, Steampunk AU, Teamwork, First times

Day 6, May 7th: Supernatural AU, Royalty AU, Identity, Journey

Day 7, May 8th: Crossover AU, Free AU, Guiding Light, Legacy

Post link

Click here to fill out!

This week is dedicated to the romantic (as well as platonic) relationship between Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shoto, and Uraraka Ochako!

The interest Check will be open until March 18th and will help us best form the week!


It’s back again!!!

This week is dedicated to the romantic (and also platonic) relationship between Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shoto, and Uraraka Ochako!

To properly gage what would appeal most to people, an interest check is being hosted from now until March 8th!

Here’s the form if you’re thinking of participating!

