#todoroki x gnreader


jealousy games

wc: 2.2k | gn reader | angst to fluff+smut | warnings: jealousy, arguing, hickeys, thigh riding, slight choking

> you can come and get your things tomorrow. (2:12 pm)

shoto rolled his eyes at your message before slipping his phone into his coat pocket. it seemed that you were a lot more upset about your argument last week than he had thought. he didn’t think you had really meant it when you suggested ending things that night. since then, shoto had gone back to his family’s estate, wanting to give you space before he would return and talk things through with you.

it was just a silly argument. that’s how he remembered it, at least. that night he had been so exhausted, wanting nothing more than to sleep off the stresses of the day but you were adamant on arguing with him about something as trivial as an offhand joke.

ignoring the usual stares and whispers coming from the people around him, shoto paid for his items and left the shop to make his way to your apartment. you may have told him to come tomorrow, but he knew better than to let the situation fester any longer. he had already let too much time go by and knowing how stubborn you were, he wasn’t going to get on your good side easily.

when he got to your door, he didn’t bother knocking and immediately entered the passcode he had grown accustomed to using for months. it was his and your birth months. that always made him smile. but instead of hearing the familiar click of the door unlocking, there was silence as the numbers on the keypad flashed red.

you changed the code.

tension gripped him tight as he briefly considered the possibility that you might actually be done with him. it took everything in shoto to refrain from simply freezing the lock and kicking your door down. instead, he let out a deep breath and calmed down before knocking. you probably would have loved to get a rise out of him like that. luckily he was in a good mood and only wanted to make amends with you.

he might not have shown it enough but shoto loved you deeply, you were the first relationship he had taken seriously after all. it was curious, the effect a stubborn, quirkless assistant had on him. not that he would ever admit that.

“who is it?” you drawled from the other side.

“it’s me.”

shoto heard some shuffling from inside before your footsteps drew closer. when you opened the door, the sight of you made the already strained grin on his face fall.

before him, you stood in an outfit too dressy for just spending the day off lounging around your apartment like usual. you looked like you put a little more effort than necessary into your appearance. you preferred not to go out much and you didn’t know he was coming today so why were you dressed so nicely? whowere you dressed so nicely for?

his expression now dark, shoto shifted his gaze behind you to scan for any signs of another person in the apartment.

“um, what are you doing here? i told you to come tomorrow,” you said nervously, slightly closing the door to obstruct his view.

unsettled by your behavior, shoto shoved the flowers he had gotten you into your hands and pushed his way inside. he quickly noticed the two wine glasses on the counter and the low music playing in the living room.

“yeah? so you can have a little fun with whatever asshole you have in here?” shoto seethed.

you calmly watched as he made his way through your apartment, stomping furiously in search of what he most likely suspected was a secret lover. after he ripped open your bedroom door, a sly grin played on your lips. you had succeeded. so that was what a jealous shoto todoroki looked like.

you delicately set your favorite flowers on the counter as he continued opening every single door in your apartment. he even looked under the bed. shoto heard you giggling behind him and whipped around to face you. when you saw the absolute fury in his eyes, however, you began to rethink your whole plan.

“who the hell was here with you, y/n?” he stalked closer to you.

a chill ran down your spine and you mentally scrambled to decide whether to continue your game or defuse the situation. of course, no one had actually been there with you. all you wanted to do was give him a taste of his own medicine and make him feel how you did.

last week you were both at an event honoring shoto and a few of his colleagues for their achievements as heroes. things were going fine until one of his friends, denki, had made a joke that rubbed you the wrong way.

“is this your date, todoroki? wow, what a looker! i hope you told your work-wife momo about them, you player.”

you knew it was a joke but when shoto only laughed along and made no move to reassure you, along with the fact that you caught momo blushingat him all night,your jealousy flared. when you confronted shoto about it later on, all he did was give you a bored shrug and say it was just denki being an idiot. maybe he was, but you weren’t. you knew momo would have loved to be with shoto, her self-admitted crush back in high school. in fact, the whole country already shipped the two heroes together romantically. it had never really bothered you until then.

in a moment of insecurity and frustration, you told shoto you couldn’t date someone so unconcerned about your feelings and suggested breaking up. the words had just spilled out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. you thought he would tell you that he was sorry, that he loved you and you alone. you didn’t expect him to give you a blank expression before grabbing his keys and leaving.

“i’m not doing this with you right now. you’re being ridiculous, y/n.” he had said.

angry and hurt, you spent the following week ignoring his existence at the agency and shooting him glares when he wasn’t looking. you knew he wasn’t seeing momo behind your back or anything, but when he spent a whole day patrolling with her and still hadn’t tried to speak to you… you wanted to get even. it was petty, but your feelings were hurt. and not wanting to be the first one to apologize, you decided to pull a harmless prank on him instead.

but as you stared at him in that moment, when he looked so furious and on the brink of possibly burning down your apartment, you regretted it all.

“answer me, y/n.”

“no one! i’m sorry!” you admitted. “it was just a joke! nobody was here!”

his deadly expression didn’t falter. “a joke.”

“i wanted to make you jealous… because i was still mad… about before.” you cringed, feeling childish as you uttered the words.

shoto let out a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. “do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now?”

you wished you hadn’t apologized. your anger was reignited and you were taken back to that night all over again.

“stop calling me ridiculous! you’re the one with a side-chick at work! now you know how i felt! you’re lucky i didn’t really have someone here. maybe i should-”

before you could even finish, shoto had grabbed you and thrown you over his shoulder effortlessly before making his way to your bedroom. “wait-shoto!”

you let out a huff as he dropped you onto your bed. just as you were about to sit up, shoto straddled you, his knees trapping your legs in place and his hands pinning yours above your head.

“so you think i’m fucking yaoyorozu? is that it?”

he was so close you almost couldn’t think straight. in that position, you were embarrassed but didn’t want to give him the upper hand by reacting, so you turned your face away from him defiantly.

that was a mistake. shoto only chuckled darkly before pressing his lips to your neck, inching closer and closer to the spot under your ear that always made you melt. that combined with his hips on top of yours had you reeling.

“don’t tell me you actually believe that,” he whispered against your skin.

“maybe. you don’t even care abou-” a gasp escaped you when he bit down on your neck before smoothing over the spot with his tongue.

“when have i ever given you a reason to think that i want anyone else, hm?”

you halfheartedly struggled in his grasp, wanting to have an actual discussion with him but desperately aching for more of his touch. it was as if he had filled your every sense, clouding your judgment. he was so addicting and he knew it. you were sure that if you just gave in, shoto would give you everything you wanted. when he repositioned himself so that one of his knees was in between your legs, you knew it was over.

“oh my god…fuck,” you whined, slowly grinding your hips against him.

shoto stopped his assault on your neck and pulled away. he looked down at you and shook his head disapprovingly despite the smirk on his face.

“no, baby. we’re talking, remember? finish that sentence.”

you almost forgot what you were even upset about until he slid his knee away, taking your pleasure along with it.

“no, no, no,” you begged. “i’m sorry, sho. please.”

warmth and triumph spread through his chest at your words. you never had to beg him too much, he’d always given you what you wanted. but after a week apart, he wanted to enjoy your desperation a little longer.

unpinning one of your hands, shoto slowly trailed his fingers down the side of your face before gently gripping your neck. “say it.”


“earlier, you were saying ‘maybe i should…’ maybe you should what, baby?”

letting out a frustrated sigh, you turned your face away. “maybe i should…call midoriya cute nicknames at work too.”

shoto’s eye twitched. he didn’t think you’d say something like that. and he really didn’t think you’d dare to utter another man’s name in bed- especially his best friend’s name.

“i know this was stupid.. i just… i have to hear about you and her being perfect together so much. and when you didn’t even care that i was upset it hurt my feelings.”

his anger immediately depleted, shoto smiled down at you softly before kissing your forehead. he wasn’t really tempted to tease you anymore after seeing the distant look in your eyes. the fact was that shoto didn’t want momo. he felt nothing even remotely romantic towards her, so when you were jealous last week, he found the whole idea insulting and a waste of time. he hadn’t even come up with that stupid nickname and certainly never called momo his work-wife. that combined with him already being so exhausted with work, he didn’t care to argue about it.

he knew he shouldn’t have left that night and even planned on apologizing the next day, but when he saw how adorably determined you were to give him the cold shoulder, he decided to play along. if he had known you were truly hurt, he would never have let you go a week thinking he didn’t care.

wanting to make it up to you, shoto slid his thigh back up between your legs and grabbed your hips to move you just how you liked it. "i don’t want anyone else, y/n. you know that right?”

’“i- i know,” you moaned in response. “but she wants you.”

“well that’s just too bad,” he leaned down again to press a kiss to your lips. “because i only love you.”

you shuddered at his words, pleasure pooling in your lower stomach. sensing how close you were, shoto slid his hand into your jeans and between your legs while he deepened the kiss, hurling you toward your orgasm. he swallowed your moans in his mouth and let out a pleasured sound of his own at the taste. he was unbearably hard, but you were all that mattered at the moment and he had all night to make up for lost time.

as you caught your breath, shoto settled himself beside you and gently pulled you into him to rest your head on his chest. after sitting in comfortable silence for a while, he spoke.

“i’m sorry about that night. i didn’t mean to hurt you. i love you, y/n. so much and i shouldn’t have left you alone. i should have been there for you after you told me how you felt. i never want you to have doubts like that again. will you forgive me?”

he felt you smile against him as you let out a hum.

“i love you too, sho. but don’t let anyone be called your work-wife or whatever else.” you hugged him a little tighter. “you’re mine.”

gazing down at you lovingly, shoto lightly traced his fingers up and down your back and kissed the top of your head. “of course. i’m yours. only yours.”

you exhaled, satisfied. “same.”

“are you sleepy?” he asked teasingly.

“i don’t like being mad at you, it’s tiring.”

“hm. you changed the door code. i almost panicked.”

“i was being dramatic…” you murmured. “i didn’t think you’d react like that though. i thought i really messed up.”

“you were enjoying some of it.”

“maybe just a little.”

shoto grinned. “you’re ridicu-”

before he could finish, you rolled on top of him and claimed his lips with your own.

A/N: just a quick fic while i work on getting out of a writer’s block with my other stories. my friend’s bf said he had a “work wife” last week and we were like… what.. i need to write more for bnha anyway. i’m also working on some 'getting back together’ headcanons for bnha and haikyu so those might be up soon! ᵔ◡ᵔ
