#toffee of septarsis


Ready for the parlay meeting sugar…?

Don’t ever call me like that again…

Now that I think about it… i actually never drawed this two. Seth’s outfit by @full-moon-phoenix

You would think that sharing a body would be easy, but it’s not. While Venom and Eddie make it look easy, Toffee’s learning the hard way that not every host and ‘guest’ are… compatible, even if the host is welcoming.

Toffca has been doing the job, but at the same time the scars from their adventures is a tell tell sign that the vessel may break faster than Toffee hoped. He needs to find a way to get his body back soon, otherwise someone will have to pay for his actions.

Since the final season of svtfoe didn’t provide it, I’ll give them their own happy ending.
