#toge fluff



「Attractive things JJK Characters do」


he lightly but provocatively brushes his lips against your fingers when he insists that you put the candy in his mouth; and the way he takes you by surprise holding eye contact as he bites into the candy before pulling away with a smug, mischievous glow burning like fire in his eyes at the way you hurriedly clear your throat, and he just tilts his head while ‘innocently’ asking you, “are you alright?” or the way he likes leaning on the wall or a door frame when he talks to you, regardless of whether you’re in public or not. something about the lazy, carefree posture and the little tilt of his head while he looks at you does things to your heart. his eyes trail after you as move around the room or when you’re speaking to him and he can’t hear you well, he casually leans in closer to your lips to catch what you’re saying.


the way he can go from being an adorable, giggly mess to being hot in a split second. one minute, you’re play-fighting, him keeping you at arm’s length to avoid your tickling, annoyed but gleeful giggles and laughs escaping from his mouth, and the next, he’s boldly getting into your space until your back is pressed against a wall. or the way he lies with his hand behind his head as he lazily but intently watches you get ready for work in the morning or a night out with friends; his eyes are soft and fixed as they follow your every move. and when you ask what he’s looking at, he just shrugs his shoulders and says, ‘i can’t help it, you’re so pretty’ as he flashes a smile in your direction.


he has a habit of putting his hand on your thigh when you’re sitting next to him, it’s instinctual at this point. he places one hand on your thigh while the other lazily scrolls on his phone, or when he’s driving and you’re in the passenger seat, he drums his fingers on your skin to the beat of the song playing on the radio while one hand is on the steering wheel. or the way his hand on your waist or back but non-sexually. when you’re in his way or blocking his way to something or somewhere, he gently moves you by the waist, casually saying “excuse me, baby” his voice deep and so low that only you can hear it. he also instinctively guides you through crowds by putting his hand on the small of your back.

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Call 911, I’m feeling so so weak right now.
