

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee was published on this day in 1960. We’re so excited for readers to experience the beloved classic in a whole new way in graphic novel form. To Kill a Mockingbird: A Graphic Novel goes on sale 10/30!
#tokillamockingbird #tkam #tkamgraphicnovel #harperlee #atticusfinch #scout #booradley #americanclassic #greatamericannovel #graphicnovel

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee was published on this day in 1960. We’re so excited for readers to experience the beloved classic in a whole new way in graphic novel form. To Kill a Mockingbird: A Graphic Novel goes on sale 10/30!
#tokillamockingbird #tkam #tkamgraphicnovel #harperlee #atticusfinch #scout #booradley #americanclassic #greatamericannovel #graphicnovel

What’s your favorite book out of all the ones you had to read for school? ☺ • My finals are ov

What’s your favorite book out of all the ones you had to read for school? ☺

My finals are over and now I finally have time to read and be more active on here again

I had to read #tokillamockingbird back when I was still in school and actually really enjoyed it. Part of my a-levels were even about it! That’s why I still really want to read the sequel. I actually got this hardcover edition for 3€ at a used book store and I’m pretty sure that it has never been read before

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deforest: Gregory Peck and Mary Badham behind the scenes of To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)


Gregory Peck and Mary Badham behind the scenes of To Kill a Mockingbird(1962)

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