#tokrev hcs


“Paper Rings” – Rindou Haitani

characters: rindou x gn!reader
genre & style: fluff, drabble
word count:1.4k
notes: a bit late entry for @katsukidotcom​​lover’s lane collab! tysm for the opportunity to participate in it, i really appreciate it! <3
warnings: mention of granny’s hypothetical death (as a joke)

Rindou Haitani has never been someone to bathe his loved ones with affection, not in the least showing warm feelings first, in no way a type to be called a lover from dreams.

Speaking whatever appeared in his mind, he often tells things that shouldn’t have been told, be it more or less harmful ones, or just simply stupid, always killing the perfect atmosphere you’ve desperately tried to create. By no means it was purposeful – the words forming on his tongue were only representing his bold personality, Rindou without these characteristics wouldn’t be the Rindou you know and, despite him being an annoying piece of ass, love.

But sometimes luck was on your side, as the younger Haitani’s brain got struck by a cupid’s arrow or even a few, sentences flowing in the air indisputably soaked with the flame his heart was burning with, actions resembling the passion and desire he’s surely having deep inside him.

“I hate it,” a soft murmur leaves your mouth, as you cut another portion of pink and red sheets, thin papers falling on your knees and slipping to the ground from where the boy is collecting them.

“It makes the two of us,” Rindou grumbles back, gluing one side of the paper after folding it in half. “Useless,” he hisses, connecting outside endings, forming the stripe into a heart.

You sigh, glancing behind the window. The sun is slowly setting down, orange rays painting inside of the classroom, pretty light gleaming on your boyfriend’s face, his brows furrowed in annoyance, lower lip caught in-between teeth. You know he’s here only because you’ve forced him to – if it was anyone else but you he’d gotten assigned to do decorations with, he would’ve left before the teacher finished their sentence. “We should finish before it’s completely dark,” you’re not sure if the one you try to convince is Rin or yourself, and the boy seems to notice it, lilac irises blasting at your figure, one eye narrowed.

“Talking drivel, huh?” He snickers, throwing a handful of paper hearts to a big bin to his left.

“I’m just trying to be positive,” sticking a tip of your tongue, you grunt, shooting a rubber in the direction of his face, which he repels with a quick movement of his wrist.

Closing eyelids, Rindou shakes his head. “Not worth it. We should just leave. These fuckers screw around thinking they can use us as they want. We should have left as they told us to make these stupid decorations.”

You move your scissors carefully, cutting yet another sheet from a huge pile left for you to make valentine’s themed garlands. You’ve already spoken about it, participating in yet another conversation with the boy seems pointless since the only aspect he considers worthy looking at is if something is fun in his perception – and creating tons of pink and red decorations doesn’t sit with the definition of entertainingto Rindou.

“If we hurry up, we should finish in an hour,” you ignore his words, throwing a handful of stripes onto his lap. “Let’s just… let’s get over with it now.”

In the arsenal of Rindou’s traits there’s a huge place left for stubbornness, which shows as often as his mind tells him to. “A chocolate. No. Three chocolates,” he says, placing chin on the tips of his fingers barely brushing against each other.

“What are you even talking about?” you murmur, and by the way your legs bounce Rin knows you’re bored. Another weight on the side we should go home on the scale, giving him a better chance to win this.

“Gonna buy you three chocolates if you decide to drop this shit and go home with me. If you scatter the pieces all over the school you’ll get a double,” the boy sneers, corners of his mouth wide enough to force cute dimples to pop out on his pretty face.

You chortle, shaking your head lazily. As much as you love this idea, the thought of getting expelled from the school and later explaining to your parents that it’s mostly because of the boy they warned you about doesn’t sit right with you. “Why would we even do this?” Your voice is clearly affected by the silly smile caused by Rin’s offer, and it makes him even more determined to get out of school with you right now.

“For shits ‘n giggles,” he replies, moving his body in your direction, long arms wrapping around your legs. His light eyes are gawking at you from under thick curtains of lashes, waiting for you to break under his pleas. “C’mon. The more time we waste on talking, the less movies we can watch later.”

You sigh. He’s right that your teachers have been out of their minds while dumping all the hard work on only the two of you, but at the same time responsibilities are responsibilities, and you really shouldn’t disregard them only because of a mere whim. “Chocolates and a movie won’t bribe me,” you answer, throwing a huge pile of stripes on Rindou’s face.

He narrows his eyes, a tiny pout creating on his mouth. The fight’s not over, he thinks. “Then what could possibly bribe you?” He says nonchalantly, throwing the papers off his head and shoulders.

“Hmmmm…” you hum, only pretending to ponder on his words. You know that sooner or later he would succeed in convincing you to simply drop the work and worry about it tomorrow morning, so you have to destroy his will to keep trying with an idea so absurd and impossible even one of the Haitanis would give up. “Not getting expelled from school is important, y’know? If nothing big happens we should just stay and finish these fucking garlands.”

Big?Likethere’s a huge promo for everything in your favorite shop kinda big? Or your great grandmother’s dying in a hospital, we have to hurry to hear her final words big? Or-”

“No.” You cut him off before hearing another volley of crazy ideas this boy’s mind could’ve created. “Like… we’re getting married tonight kinda big.

Married, you say?” he mumbles, and by the small wrinkle between his brows, you know something’s up. Instead of quitting, he’s considering your words and it makes you gulp. “Sure. Let’s do it.”

Without any more unnecessary words Rindou takes one of the red stripes from the ground and glues it so that it creates a thin loop. Prepping himself on the heels of his palms, he kneels one one knee, and an instant wave of warmth hits your cheeks. “Rin, no-”

“Shaddap, you coward.” Your mouth opens into a perfect o shape, and as you want to continue, he presses a finger harshly against your lips. “Shush. Ekhem…” There’s a short moment of silence between the two of you, the boy clearly collecting his thoughts. “Y/N. We know each other for years, I have no idea how fucking many, but surely a lot. We’ve been together for at least a few months; more than five but I’m pretty sure that less than a whole year, and I know it’s not that much, but honestly who cares. I really don’t want to make these decorations – I would much prefer to share this precious evening of February 13th with the love of my life, with my future spouse. Will you marry me?”

You blink one, two, three times before bending in half, hiding face in palms. He’s way too blunt. Your heart feels as if desperately trying to pop out of your chest. The things he says ring in your brain, making you all fuzzy.

“I know your answer is yesso hurry up.” Back to the non-romantic Rindou again. Not that he’s been trying to be one in the first place – babbling whatever thoughts have been spilled on his tongue only to get what his lazy ass wants. Pulling harshly on your palm, he puts the ring on your finger. “We have a cake to buy for tonight’s wedding.”

Rin quickly jumps onto his feet, catching your forearm before you have a chance to react. Dragging you behind him, he rushes to the school exit, almost making you trip, countless paper hearts trailing the path the two of you traverse as a close-to-be-married couple now.
