

I completely forgot I had this I remember that I met him but I forgot I had a signed picture from him.


It amazes me that actual professional screenwriters are seemingly incapable of writing healthy loving couples without throwing in unnecessary drama and toxicity, meanwhile fanfiction writers have that shit down to a science

This is an important and excruciatingly valid criticism.

I had friends in high school who modeled their romantic ideals on the unhealthy and downright toxic models of romance that are painfully popular in media.  They never grew out of these ideals and are never happy in a relationship if it doesn’t have drama and/or the heavily emphasized honeymoon phase.

We need movies, TV, and books that model healthy friendships, romance, and dealing with loss/tragedy because we use these as guides, even when what we’re reading is fiction.  Unfortunately producers of films and TV and publishers of books have decided that only these heavily romanticized and dramatic  relationships will sell, and that’s all that matters.
