#tom clancys rainbow six siege


Have you ever met a teammate who always follows you?

Ying:Hey,do you need a free hug?

Jäger:Oh,why not?I need it!

(Fuze appeared suddenly while they were going to hug each other.)

Fuze,pulled out his gun:DON’T MOVE!Put down the hostage!!


Ying:SHUT UP!Or I won’t give you any free hug.


Still Fuze:See you 10 minutes later.

-“Don’t open your eyes when kissing, idiot!”

Merry Christmas.

Fuze, carried Ying in his arms and span her around.

Ying,saw him suddenly stopped moving: What are you thinking?

Fuze: I’m thinking whether your brain is centripetal or centrifugal.


Recruit,just passing by:

Sorry but……

Yeah this is how Bandit gets along with Jager I thought hahahhah

*Fuze, running across the corridor.


Ying:Is this an earthquake?

Ying: Fuze,give me the hostage.

Fuze, shouting with anger:No.I will rescue him safely and do much better than you.

Ying:YOU IDIOT!We are working together, and I don’t want to fight with you at this time.

The hostage:I…

Fuze&Ying:No one cares about your opinion!
