#tom hiddleston criticism










Me,looking for them:

Me,looking for that magic:

Me,looking for that scene/scenes with the explanation:

So we can’t even trust what Tom says…well, I already knew that actually considering some of the very questionable things he’s said in interviews about Loki’s character and some of the abuse apologism he’s engaged in (seriously man, please pick up a psychology book).

So don’t believe a damn word of what any of them say about season 2, guys. Not Tom, not the new directors, definitely not Eric Martin. It’ll all be designed to give you hope that season 2 will be better than 1. It won’t be. It’ll just be more of the same.

Please don’t watch it. Disney needs to get the message that this crap is not ok.

You know,there is a difference between not saying anything because you cant and straight up lying. Which he did. He lied. No idea why. There was no magic,no opponents,and not a word about horns. Why he chose to lie stunns me. To keep us on board? To make us watch?

Its not only disasterous series that made fall out of love with Loki and lose interest in MCU all together,its also Tom’s words,his lies and what he said about Loki that made me fall out of love with him,he lost my trust. He repeatedly said things that contradict stuff he’s been saying about Loki for years.


Remember that 2 seconds long teaser of Loki with flaming sword? We all thought it was gonna be Loki facing on of those formidable opponents and that Laevetainn was gonna play big role in series. None of that happened. It was a teaser designed to hype us and make us think Loki is actually doing something big,later it turned out it was Sylvie’s moment. Teaser was a lie too.

But Im going off topic here. Tom could have just not say anything. He chose to lie. Or does he think those scrumbs,that was enough of Loki’s magic? Or did he magically see somewhere in those scenes backstory of Loki’s horns? No. He lied.

Personally I think it’s money. He’s under contract with Disney and his paycheck hinges on him complying with whatever that contract says, and I’m very sure that among other things in that contract is what he can and can’t say to the press. If Disney tells him to say it, he does it, otherwise he doesn’t get paid. That’s best case scenario. Worse case scenario, Loki dies again but this time it really is permanent and his role in the MCU is taken over by Sylvie or another actor if Sophia decides she doesn’t want to do it (unlikely, since the role has made her into a star).

I know this is very veeeeery much a speculation, but Herron said that from the beginning they were planning for Loki to fall in love with his female version. They built the whole story around this. Then she reccommended Sophia for the role,without Sophia even auditioning. So this is only my speculation,but I think Kate lied she was Loki fan,to get the job and help her buddie Sophia launch her career. And I know now Kate lied because there is no way Loki fan would say things she says and let all those things happen in series. So because all of this,I highly doubt Sophia would reject the role of the only Loki in the future. She literaly had at least 2 people to push her where she is. Again,all speculation about Kate,but many sign do point that way @littleabriel-blog

Herron and Sophia are very close friends and I already knew from several sources that Sophia got the role through nepotism. Which is no surprise, because the woman has no talent whatsoever.

As for the plans to have Loki fall for a female version of himself, that’s no surprise. From the things Kate has posted on her Twitter it’s easy to conclude that she has a fetish. Which is fine, more power to her, whatever floats her boat, but FFS leave that crap to fanfic please. Not everyone is going to look kindly on your fetishes, especially when they’re something like incest. There’s wanting to indulge your fetishes, but then there’s just a complete lack of awareness that most people are not going to share them nor are they going to appreciate being exposed to them, especially when it’s through a mainstream TV show with a fan favorite character.

And yeah, I know people are going to go “What about GOT” BUT the difference there is that Jamie and Cersei’s relationship was never, ever framed as a healthy and positive thing. Both the books and the show (at least, up until the final few episodes) took great pains to make it clear that the pairing was toxic and twisted AF. Jon and Dany were never framed as healthy either…as shitty as the writers were, it was still made clear that the pairing was problematic in many, many ways.

And too many people forget how the myth of Narcissus ended, with him wasting away and dying a very slow death all alone. Selfcest has never been framed as healthy or positive…not until this damn show.

Yup. The series single handedly killed my faith in Tom. Before that, I used to trust him with Loki. His interviews about Loki were so interesting, I used to love watching them. (Though they were not always on point about the psychology, I admit.)

But lately, it seems like he’s a robot spewing a predetermined script. It just feels fake and repetitive, and chock full of lies as the op shows with full receipts. It broke my heart, honestly, because I didn’t expect this from him. There was absolutely no need for these lies. The hype around Loki was already so big, just by his sheer popularity.

Tbh I think he has lost the passion and love for Loki. And he came back to play him only because the money was good. Still, choosing to actively lie to the audience, many of whom have been Loki fans for years, was bad form. I’m not sure what he was aiming to achieve from it, but it certainly made me lose much respect for him. I don’t watch his interviews anymore, because his inauthentic responses grate on my senses.

As for Herron and SDM, yeah, nepotism works for them, I guess. Most of the audience doesn’t even realize or know that SDM got this role because Herron recommended her. And everyone in the production, direction and writing brought their kinks into the show instead of using the opportunity for making something of quality. Goes to show how Marvel has deteriorated. Especially with a popular queer character like Loki. They’re willing to depict selfcesty abusive relationships as healthy, genital bashing and battery as comedy, and torture and interrogation as therapy, but they will absolutely not depict Loki as genderfluid or bisexual (that stupid one line does not count). And I hold every person in Loki’s creative team responsible and accountable for this shit show, including Tom.
