#tom parker


So basically, running this blog with just the two of us is starting to be hassle. We’re looking for a new co-owner to help run this blog. All that is required of you is:

  • To have enough knowledge in the Wanted and/or 1D fandom
  • Have experience in photo editing and be able to mimic the style we use with our graphics
  • Be involved with the blog and enthusiastic about helping with running this blog
  • Be nice towards our followers and their fandoms (there’s 2,600 followers on this blog and we love and respect each and every one of them)

If you’re interested in being a co-owner, just make your own graphic (500px x 281px) of your favorite 1D or TW ‘thing’. Post it on your blog and tag it under '1dtwthings’. The one with the best quality and most creative 'thing’ will be chosen by December 20th and added as a new co-owner.

Good luck! x

Erika & Kalesha xx

 Happy Thanksgiving to our American fanmily and Directioners! Have a good one and eat as much turkey

Happy Thanksgiving to our American fanmily and Directioners! Have a good one and eat as much turkey as your heart desires (or tofurkey if you’re veggie like Jay).

Post link
 I’ve never felt more proud to be a fanmily member than I do tonight. The performance went abo

I’ve never felt more proud to be a fanmily member than I do tonight. The performance went above and beyond all expectations and clearly the audience agreed because they gave them a standing ovation. Seriously, whether you win or lose tonight, you boys honestly don’t need an award because you showed just how talented you all are | x

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 what did she get from that? apart from really, really poor nutrition. | x

what did she get from that? apart from really, really poor nutrition.|x

Post link
 Maybe I’m a mad manMaybe I’m a bad, bad, bad, bad manBut you won’t see a sad manW

Maybe I’m a mad man
Maybe I’m a bad, bad, bad, bad man
But you won’t see a sad man
When you’re looking at me
They can call me crazy
But what good is a life behind the door
And i’ve been living lately
When you’re looking at me

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tom parker