#tomo genshin impact




tomo (kazuha’s friend) x fem!reader

warnings: kinda sad so bring your tissues (sorry in advance lol) unprotected sex, pregnancy, fuck the raiden shogun all my homies hate the raiden shogun, and i hope this is enough to get you to simp for a faceless side character lmfao bye.

There were times Tomo’s eyes would light up as bouts of passion consumed him. You could see it when he practiced his swordsmanship, when he talked about his aspirations, and even during those tender moments when he held you close. And tonight they shined the brightest you’ve ever seen.

“What’s got you all worked up?” You’re nearly breathless yet find the air to question his needy hands that leave no inch of your body untouched and make quick work of the knot on your kimono. 

He ignores you — well he didn’t mean to but he’s just so focused on savoring the taste of your sweet skin, planting kisses lower and lower until he reaches the valley of your breasts. 


“I’m just excited. Now can I please continue?”

“I just want to know what you’re so excited for? If I’m a celebratory prize then I deserve to know, don’t you think,” you quip back and let the corner of your lips curl into a smile.

“Let’s just say that I’m going to put an end to all of our problems. No more hiding, no more living in fear of the Vision Hunt Decree — just the two of us and some well-deserved peace… Well, Kazuha will be around too.” You can feel him chuckle lightly against the crook of your neck as he continues to litter kisses upon you.

“I don’t…” you pry him off of you to look him in his eyes. “I don’t understand Tomo…What are you gonna do?”

“The Musou no Hitotachi. I’ll be the one to withstand the shogunate’s sword.”

Your eyebrows furrow and you prepare to shut down his entire plan. You thought he had forgotten about it. You thought he had given up on a dream that would almost certainly end in death. Before you can utter a single word in protest, his lips crash onto yours and his hands settle on your thighs as he coaxes you to give in. When he’s sure you’ve run out of air, he breaks the kiss.

“Have a little faith in me, yeah? I promise I’m gonna walk through that door tomorrow and everything will be fine. So let me just have this, please.”

Dammit. As much as you wanted to argue and tell him how foolish he sounded, you couldn’t do it. Not with those bright eyes staring at you so full of love. You cave. The red kimono was the only thing stopping him in his tracks and it’s quickly tossed aside with his own clothes. 

Everything feels different tonight. He holds you a little tighter and sings only the sweetest tune of praises in your ear, but most of all he’s taking his time. Every thrust is slow and methodical as your body moves perfectly with his. His fingers dance around your sex, gradually building up your climax as he fights his own. And oh my God, the way he looks at you — eyes flickering indecisively between your own and your lips that slightly parted as you moan out his name. He finds himself doing the same when you flutter around him as he plunges deeper. Tomo presses his forehead to yours, shifting all his attention to how good you feel right now.

It would be nice if things could stay like this forever. How childish of you to wish for such a thing. You know all too well that the concept of eternity was not only ridiculous, it was also impossible.

You had faith but that wasn’t enough to save him from the fierce strike of the Musou no Hitotachi. So all you could do was watch helplessly from the ever-growing crowd as Tomo received his divine punishment. 

When the Raiden Shogun’s sword came down, your world also came crashing down with it.

An ear-shattering scream comes from you and you desperately try to push past the armed guards. Even though the tears welling in your eyes blurred your vision, you could tell the ashen blonde wasn’t moving. While Kazuha had managed to escape with Tomo’s hollow vision, you were left to pick up the limp body of the man you loved.

You stayed there holding Tomo for hours, wailing on your knees in the square while his body grew cold in your lap. “Go away! Leave,” you screamed at any who tried to take him from you. 

It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. But even dangerous strikes of lightning can serve as light when shrouded in darkness.

“Mama made your favorite for dinner last night! And she told me about how you and Uncle Kazuha took down 20 of General Kujou’s men one time. Like boomandpow.” A small boy makes exaggerated movements with his arms to accompany the sound effects. He wears himself out doing high kicks and quick slashes through the air, only to settle back down on the ground where he was moments prior. 

This time the boy speaks quieter, hugging a shiny object close to his chest. “Mama really misses you, Papa. Please watch over us.” 

“Tomoki! It’s time to come inside,” you shout from inside the small home. Even though you couldn’t see the young boy, you already knew where he was. 

“Bye Papa, I love you.” His little hands bring a dulled vision to his lips before setting it down in front of a sword sheathed in the ground. He runs down the path lined with cherry blossoms and is swooped up into your arms. You give a longing look towards the path before closing the door. You will be forever grateful for that night.


damnnn gabby!!!!

rip to that nigga tomo i aint know him but damn
