#toni montero

Delacroix como pretexto / Delacroix as a pretext by Toni Montero More artwork from Toni Montero here

Delacroix como pretexto / Delacroix as a pretext by Toni Montero

More artwork from Toni Montero here

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 Another painting, la Habitación de Van Gogh (The Bedroom of Van Gogh). When we tackle the collabora

Another painting, la Habitación de Van Gogh (The Bedroom of Van Gogh). When we tackle the collaboration between Toni Montero and Daniel Peribáñez, maybe we should talk about a three-way collaboration: Vincent Van Gogh – Peribáñez – Montero; or has uncle Vincent left these two boys (Toni and Daniel) alone in his guest-room and of course they have messed about, the Room in turmoil, everything scrambled but eith a lot of style.

More artwork from Toni Montero here

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 A Boy / Un Niño by Toni MonteroA boy in his mother’s arms while his father, dressed up as a

A boy in his mother’s arms while his father, dressed up as a harlequin, looks at him absorbed. Two characters, one in the centre of the painting, the other at the back to the right balancing on a ball, ball from another world? and the one sat to the right we have also seen in another place, and the staring monkey who looks older and wiser, also. They all bring with them parts of the spaces they have inhabited, like memories of places where they have been.

More artwork from Toni Montero here

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