#tony in denial




Lokiverse (Mixology:) A story-driven years-long  series project of Loki-focused stories, centered on telling the stories of specific, banded together sections of the multiverse; where Loki and his differing relationships throughout their varied (but often somewhat similar) timelines. Each Universe and or Door has it’s own differing turn of events, with one thing in common: something that allows their Universes to interact, and; at times, when needed: support each other.

“ There are times when the faces beyond that  particular  threshold are all we have, and all we  can  have.  For  some  of me, I am better family to myself than  any other  in our own worlds. “

- Loke (Loki) - Universe/Door 8 - GROUNDED : Chapter 11



Let me know if you want to be tagged or removed from tags in asks!

Bolded Titles are the links to the fics on AO3.

    Condensing the original down because it was getting crazy-long and Extras will be going for a long time to come. Which means if I don’t? It’s only gonna get bigger and crazier. That said I am also doing like I did with the platovember master list/update post and adding Universe/Door numbers and parts where it applies: and a read more cut to this main post specifically so it doesn’t get too stupid long with the updates in the future.

1. Dappled [Vestibule 1: Door/Universe 6] (pt 2 from platovember) - Confused after Hydra’s exposure and surviving the helicarrier crash, Bucky Barnes finds himself company familiar enough to both sides of his mind to keep him wary of his new ‘friend’. Having been the resulting price of failure where Hydra is concerned; his options boil down to staying with Loki: or going it on his own…

2. Just One More - GROUNDED OT [Vestibule 1 Universe/Door 8] - Teasing turns to something else when Tony doesn’t get his way.
Loki (Loke) and Tony (Charmer) spending time in Asgard during his recovery after the dock scene in GROUNDED.

3. Kindred [Vestibule 1 Door/Universe 3]  (pt 1)- Bruce is among those ‘visiting’ Loki after the Bifrost is repaired, after giving Tony’s paranoia a little nudge to find a way to get a hold of Thor to do so. The conversations are fairly ‘normal’ when more than one of the others are present. Bruce is starting to lose his patience with the lot he brought with him though. Not that he was given much of a choice.

Meanwhile, his personal interactions with the Trickster? Are… almost unsettling in how calming and unfettered they are by comparison to his interactions with others since his accident, questions aside. To the point that, Banner wants getting his answers underway; but isn’t willing to push -too- much rush to them once that’s accomplished…

4. Mixed Signals [Vestibule 1 Universe/Door 1] (pt 2 from platovember) - When stubborn and distrustful, meets stubborn and distrustful? It makes filling in the gaps a difficult thing. Nearly a week after leaving his throne behind to step between Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes: if Loki is actually going to keep good on another of his ass-backwards bets? Tony wants to make good use of it.

Keep reading

@frostbitten-written@poetic-fiasco@myraaaa17@gayrainbowbridge@frostedgiant@worstloki@iamnmbr3@lucianalight @iamnmbr3

31. Accomplices [Vestibule1: Door/Universe 11(pt 3)]-

Cambridge, Massachusetts : 1990.
About to finish his second degree at M.I.T.; Tony’s social life takes a turn he doesn’t expect in finally meeting his declared Brit-imported rival –Loke Falconwrath– face to face: at what to Stark is the worst possible time and party.

Escaping the clutches of the dreaded Maize Fashion Fangirl Pack becomes a combined effort. One that unfortunately would also leave Tony out in the middle of a semi-rural multi-million dollar neighborhood with a half forgotten surprise in his pocket, if not for the annoyingly charming efforts and ride offered from his usually unlikely partner in said escape.. Maybe.

Wait. ….Is that the cops?
