


honestly of the people closest to tony, rhodey is the one who arguably handles him falling off the wagon the best? he’s not able to be there for tony in a way that’s always personal, but he does work to maintain the company and iron man’s images the best he can. he sets boundaries in a healthy way. he gets (very understandably) frustrated with tony, but he doesn’t take that frustration out on him. he doesn’t berate tony or villainize him. and even if he’s not willing to personally be around to watch tony hurt himself, he continues to root for tony and do what he can to create a healthy environment for tony to come back to once he’s willing to get help. anyway everyone needs a friend like james rhodes

happy pride month

to these two

totally straight



If you think I’m just going to show up once a year to give out Iron Husband valentines and bounce&he

If you think I’m just going to show up once a year to give out Iron Husband valentines and bounce… you’re not wrong

Post link


Tony sees a real life platypus for the first time when he drags his new roommate to the zoo for fun. Something about the cute little guy really stuck with him…

A page from my artbook, Iron Anniversary! It’s a 40+ page collection of rhodeytony doodles from MIT to beyond :) (psst, until July 1st 2022, get a physical copy 20% off at my bigcartel shop! It comes with stickers and other goodies )

Is anyone else running into this anon on the ironhusbands omegle tag saying the n word and racist shit and then disconnecting? The first time I took it as maybe omegle messing up and this was just a rando, but nope, this is definitely someone under this tag just to throw slurs at shippers and run. It’s been at least a week. wtf is wrong with people
