#tonys outfit is clearly a clone of mr darcy


Les Retrouvailles

[“Um… Mister Stark?”

That voice. Even after all this time, he recognized that voice. Tony turned around, expecting to see a slight man who’d never quite grown into his frame. Instead, polished buttons and gold medals decorated a wide chest where Steve’s head should be. Tony looked up to a height Steve could never reach, and yet there he was. Blue eyes sparkling like sapphires on a priceless crown, framed with golden hair as rich and as luxurious as the threads on Tony’s jacket. He had the strong jaw of a well-bred man, and yet he retained that same boyish smile Tony remembered from years ago. As if their time apart had never happened.]

- excerpt from the fic written by MiniravenforPotS’s 2021Flash Bang

I had such a great time working on this piece. Thank you so much to Raven for being such a enthusiastic and attentive partner! Raven also gave me some insights on the paneling for this.

Please go check out the fic, it’s a Regency AU! I repeat, REGENCY AU! Give an applause and love to Raven!
