#topic amestris


A Prince’s Thoughts || Always Accepting

@deathleads​ asked:

+ would you ever wish to visit Amestris?


“Somehow I do not think I would fit in well  there but I think it might be an interesting experience. I have seen glimpses of many worlds and met many different kinds of species due to living in Wonderland. Misterican by birth I may be but one could call me a Wonderlander now. It is my home, just like all the rest who are trapped here.  I have seen Earthwith the rest of my human companions but I think this Amestris could be intriguing. Perhaps I could also see this Xing.I would like to learn of new places and new cultures - I always find them fascinating.  

Though I do not know how I would better blend in with the populace. I can only assume my appearance would draw staresand I can’t imagine this Amestris to be a country to welcome the idea of open carry as Misterica did. I cannot simply leave the Maken behindyou see. There are complicationsshould I do so. However if we could get around the few complications, I would certainly visit. I would love to see where Eversti and the others come from. Perhaps I could understand them and their magic a little better.” 
