#torn pantyhose



I want to masturbate like she is from 4:10 to the end. Exact same outfit and dildo. Seems very satisfying…

We posted a picture and gallery to this but here is the video. Very nice. Thank you to pantyhosecocklove for finding it. Maybe I should make the girlfriend make a tribute video. What do you all think?

Here is the link to our posting with the picture gallery. http://levante-su-bandera.tumblr.com/post/46616912993/so-much-pantyhose-so-much-pleasure-from-him

(from him)

Masturbating thru her pantyhose powered by YouPorn.

Pantyhose masturbation. My GF made a video similar to this. Maybe we’ll post it for you all sometime. Let us know what you think. (from him)

Dammit! My nails put a run in my pantyhose this morning!
