#total stations are my nemesis honestly



Things that upset archaeologists

  • Finding new exiting things shortly before deadline
  • When the test trench promises skeletons, but there’s none in the actual dig
  • When you’ve been cleaning every single crumb, ready to fetch the scales only to see a crow landing in the middle of your hard work
  • We are supposed to work through rain, but the camera, drawing paper, chalk- or letter board and podzol don’t handle rain at all
  • Total stations or GPS systems that just keep failing no matter what you do.
  • Loosing your trowel for the islksl-th time
  • When you’re stuck with the bad shovel
  • Being tested on your history knowledge by every person ever
  • When they forget to order a portable toilet
  • Someone stole my pen again
  • Actually who are we kidding its an archaeology dig there are no pens ever after 24 hrs
  • “its on the context sheet” *the context sheet is illegible*
  • When the weather has been fine all day and it starts pouring just as its lunch time
  • The test pit walls keep crumbling
  • excavate the sand they said. itll be fun they said.
  • cLaY iS hELL
  • bonus points for when the clay is not the “its natural lets go home” layer
  • Where is the camera? i literally just had it? i need to take the photo before someone steps in this
  • when you have to use the total station and there is traffic or people between you and where it is set up