#totally being normal about this



when you started watching supernatural in your teens and then years later you hit 22 and realise that this is how old Sam was in the pilot and so then.. and then you start 4 years of agonising countdown and comparison of your existence until - oh my god - until suddenly you’re 26, dude, and so the true reliving of the tragedy begins

Measuring your life’s milestones by what spn characters were doing when they were your age y’know, as one does - THEY WERE SO YOUNG, your honour. Dean was around 22 too when Sam left. And he’s been hunting alone from when he was ~23 to 26 - THAT’S A BABY, your honour. His prefrontal cortex hasn’t even been fully developed for majority of this time. 
And then afterwards you no longer need to imagine what he’s been doing - you’ve got 15+ years of visual records ahead of you for you comparison :)))
In two years time he’ll sell his soul. In three - he’ll go to hell. In (forty) three and a half - he’ll meet the love of his life…
