#toto i have a feeling we’re not in kansas anymore


The Whumper sits at a high table near an airport window overlooking the tarmac. The sound of the Caretaker’s shoes echo in the empty space as they walk towards the Whumper from behind, nervously clutching a set of papers as they do. The Whumper stares blankly out the window at a plane about to taxi towards the runway and barely acknowledges the presence of the Caretaker. “May I?” the Caretaker asks. The Whumper looks over at them and says nothing, which the Caretaker takes as a signal that they can sit. They set down and place a hand over the papers and prepare to begin a rehearsed spiel about the evidence they’ve gathered. “I don’t need to tell you-” they start before the Whumper cuts them off: “Then don’t.” The Whumper pushes the paperwork towards the Caretaker until it falls off the table into their lap and onto the floor. “You think I don’t know what you know, but I got news for you - I know everything you know. Absolutely everything.” The Whumper points out the window towards the tarmac where a black SUV pulls up, conspicious in being both out of place on a runway and staged so plainly in front of the two of them. The Caretaker watches as someone gets out of the driver’s seat, goes to the trunk, and pulls out of it a person with bound hands and a black bag over their head. The Whumper watches the Caretaker’s reaction as the bag is pulled off. “I don’t know where you think you are, but allow me shift your little black and white world into colour for you.” The Whumper slaps their hand on the table between themselves and the Caretaker to demand their attention as they finish: “I am not afraid of you. You are not in charge here. And take whatever law, or rules, or whatever it is you think you have over me - and you realize that a tornado has come, and brought you over the rainbow onto my land.” The Whumper looks out the window and waves a hand that prompts the bag to be pulled back over the Whumpee before they’re shoved back in the car. The Caretaker feels helpless, and is pale and disarmed as the Whumper sits back like an executive in a meeting that they’ve deemed is a waste of their time. “Anything else?”
