
[ID: a drawing of taako and kravitz kissing in front of a dark blue and purple background. taako is

[ID: a drawing of taako and kravitz kissing in front of a dark blue and purple background. taako is a chubby elf with brown skin and short blonde hair that is purple at the ends and dark at the roots. he’s wearing a red and blue weater, jeans, and a red and blue wizard’s hat. he’s holding a wine glass in one hand and has his other hand wrapped around kravitz’s shoulders. kravitz is a chubby man with dark brown skin and black dreadlocks with yellow and red beads in them. he’s wearing a gray shirt, white cravat, black jacket, and red pants. he’s also holding a wine glass, and has his other hand around taako’s waist. they’re both smiling as they kiss. END ID]

A gift for @transmlm, created by @tourmaline-diamond!

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