#toxic yelena


ToxicYelena loves dating insecure and mentally ill women, because they’re the kinds that make their whole lives revolve her, the kinds that are just happy to receive her love even if it isn’t full or good.

She meets you, and you happen to be that type. She would thrive off your clinginess and the way she can simply break your heart with a word or two. Oh and the way she can give you a single look and you would cry on command. Also the fact you love her even more than you love yourself, and because you would forgive her no matter how many times she wronged you.

She cheated on you? It’s not a problem, you will blame yourself for not being enough. She hit you? It’s fine, you must’ve done something to anger her to the point she couldn’t control her fist.

ToxicYelena loves it all, and loves making you gloomier than you already were. She adores being the reason you’re crying but also the reason to bring you comfort.
