#toy rabbit repair


This week has seen several Georges (three monkeys and a bear) and inquiry requests from several Zachs.  But today’s story isn’t about names (although I have been collecting a list of names for another post).  Today’s story is about Bunny.  A completely different bunny from the last two.  His family wrote:

“My daughter’s stuffed bunny is in serious need of repair. He’s very dirty because I’m afraid to wash him. We’ve done a bit of repair on him ourselves, but this is beyond anything I can do.”

These are some of the diagnostic photos they sent:


A couple of the patches (like the one on his cheek) were original to this bunny, who was supposed to be patched, but the others weren’t.  The hope was to remove his old added patches, repair his wounds, clean him, and getting him looking close to new.  We knew going in that the sharpie around his nose (that pink line) probably wouldn’t come out.

He flew in from AZ a few weeks ago with a very sweet note:


My name is Bunny (sometimes Baby Bunny).  I belong to O. H.  We have been best friends since she was 2.  She will be 9 in just a few days!  She is very sad that I will be leaving for a while, but everything will work out in the end. 

Thank you for looking after me!!


As you may have already guessed, Bunny started his treatment with a spa. Here he is in one of severalbaths.  You can see he’s starting to clean up, and his sharpie tattoos are standing out more clearly:


Once he was clean and dry, we needed to find a fabric close to his cleaned color for transplants for both hole repair and scar/patch minimization.  There were several options, from white white, to off white, to pale gray:


His person opted for the middle option, the pale gray.  Bunny’s surgery proceeded, including a heart with a bit of his original stuffing.

Then I worked on his many wounds.  Soon, he was done with surgery and it was time get his chubbiness right.  Here are the photos I sent with his spine open for chubbiness adjustment:

The response was, “ that looks perfect!” So I closed him up.  Here he is, awaiting his flight home earlier this morning:

And that’s the story of the non-striped bunny. :-)  On to the Georges, and a Cheese-Kun, and Rainbow the dalmatian, and another bunny.

Have a good weekend everyone, and take care of each other.

