

“If I don’t write my book of essays now, that means all the damage I got, isn’t good damage. It’s just damage. I have gotten nothing out of it, and all of those years, I was miserable for nothing. I could have been happy this whole time and written a book about girl detectives and been cheerful and popular and had good parents, is that what you’re saying? What was it all for?!”

Bojack Horseman Episode - Good Damage (Season 6, Episode 10)

It gets easier. Every day getting your shit together gets a little easier. But you got to get your shit together every day. That’s the hard part. But it does get easier.

Cinematic(What is this a crossover episode?) Parallels - Bojack Horseman X Rick and Morty

“Life is a joke! This is the punchline.” designed by Raymond Pettibon for what i assume “Life is a joke! This is the punchline.” designed by Raymond Pettibon for what i assume “Life is a joke! This is the punchline.” designed by Raymond Pettibon for what i assume “Life is a joke! This is the punchline.” designed by Raymond Pettibon for what i assume

“Life is a joke!

This is the punchline.”

designed by Raymond Pettibon for what i assume was a killer show in Santa Barbara in 1983.

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every shakespeare play should have a final act that is Silly. make the tragedies comedies make the comedies tragedies. its shakespeare . characters shatter their reflections and fuck their narrative foils and get married by mistake. everyone gets cucked. kings get paper crowns put on their heads. i want orgies. bloodbaths. BEARS. i saw a production where a guy got murdered with aflute. more of this

okay. listen. not every death in a tragedy IS actually a tragedy. i dont mean ‘yeah sometimes its a narrative culmination of deserved death for heinous actions’ i mean ‘sometimes its fucking ridiculous.’ polonius gets stabbed and hollers O! I AM SLAIN!! and topples over. antigonius yells I AM GONE FOREVER and is chased offstage by a bear. some bitches get baked into a pie. in one play two dudes are hired as assassins and sent to kill a guy but they get distracted and hesitate and start debating the moral and theological implications of killing the guy, right in front of the guy. “what, you egg!” mercutio wheezing out his last breaths going “if you look for me tomorrow you shall find me a grave man” come on people. its unhinged. lean into it
