#trance file


As I have been saying, I wanted to make a text trance file (Warning: Hypnotic Induction)

This is my first ‘proper’ file I have written. I based it on what I know which is a progressive trance. I am always looking for improvement, I think it is vitally important as a tist not to become complacent in one’s own abilities. Also, there is an audiofile coming soon.

Regarding hypnotism, I think every trance, every induction is evolving. You meet new subs and tweak it just a little to make it more efficient. Here is one of my favourite trances to do with subs, I think it to be quite relaxing, erotic and corrupting. It is scene in my bimbo file, however, don’t expect that affect to you

I want you to lie down or sit down even to be in the most comfortable position you can be. You will be reading and slowly, gracefully becoming my pet.

In front of you, there is a pool

It can be any type of pool, but it is your perfect pool. It might be a cool lagoon on a hot summer’s day or even a bubbling spa on a freezing winter morning. However, to you, it is a perfect pool. When you breathe in, the scents are tantalising, herbaceous, delicious scents are emitting from this pool. No horrific over-chlorination or dripping sunscreen, just this herbal, spiced, pheromonal scent entering your nostrils

Deeper into the pool

Deeper into the trance

Deeper into the pleasure

Deeper for me

Deeper under me

Breath in.. and.. out..

in.. and.. out

In.. and.. out.

Letting the air enter your lungs

Letting yourself really feel the air

In.. and.. out..

In.. and.. out..

The perfect feeling, in the perfect pool, for the perfect you

You keep breathing, as you walk closer to this pool. You feel it, calling your, tempting you, seducing you to enter. It is almost a living entity, and the pleasure is radiating from it. As you step in, the water welcomes you, it is the perfect temperature, within the perfect pool. You feel the water study you, interact with you, stroke you, pleasure you. You feel all sorts of emotions and feelings



















Threading across your body, complete contentment is radiating at your feet. Although, we don’t want to rush into the pool, we don’t want you to experience too much perfection at once. The smell is still calling you, wanting you to embrace it, and you can feel the nice air in your lungs, relaxing your very core; as you breathe:

Deeper into the pool

Deeper into the trance

Deeper into the pleasure

Deeper for me

Deeper under me

Breath in.. and.. out..

in.. and.. out

In.. and.. out.

Feeling this pools air, melt your stress

Letting yourself feel this pleasure

In.. and.. out..

In.. and.. out..

The perfect feeling, in the perfect pool, for the perfect you

And so you take your next step, into the pool, as the water caresses your legs. This perfect feeling, in this perfect pool. You feel it sitting just below your knees. The water explores you as much as you feel it. The feeling, the pleasure, the arousal, the submission, all getting stronger as you go deeper into the pool. You want to melt into it, you feel a sense of truth with this water. It is simply true. This is felt across you as you breath:

Deeper into the pool

Deeper into the trance

Deeper into the pleasure

Deeper for me

Deeper under me

Breath in.. and.. out..

in.. and.. out

In.. and.. out.

The air pushing you closer, letting you soak in the feeling

Your lungs expelling all stress, and negative emotions

In.. and.. out..

In.. and.. out..

The perfect feeling, in the perfect pool, for the perfect you

You take your next step, you feel the water at your waist. Playing with your crotch, a million nerves of pleasure shooting through you. You feel the water seducing you, making sure you feel every part of it. Every molecule makes your body relax, you know that this pool has an agenda. It is the feeling of trance, and already you have given in to it. You feel the water pulling you, into the deeper areas, you know you want to go:

Deeper into the pool

Deeper into the trance

Deeper into the pleasure

Deeper for me

Deeper under me

Breath in.. and.. out..

in.. and.. out

In.. and.. out.

The pleasure is taking you

You need more of the scent, the air, the perfect place

In.. and.. out..

In.. and.. out..

The perfect feeling, in the perfect pool, for the perfect you

You take your next step, you feel your bodily buckling, surrendering to the water. It is now just below your chest. You feel your arms, under the water, with you losing control. The smell is more potent, dizzying, zoning you out only to focus on the next word. The more you read, the more you smell, the more you smell, the deeper you go. Your body is surrendering, losing control, giving me the power to make you feel perfect.

Deeper into the pool

Deeper into the trance

Deeper into the pleasure

Deeper for me

Deeper under me

Breath in.. and.. out..

in.. and.. out

In.. and.. out.

Let your body surrender to my pleasure

Let yourself feel the happiness in obedience

In.. and.. out..

In.. and.. out..

The perfect feeling, in the perfect pool, for the perfect you

You take your next step, the water sucks, bites, and nibbles at your nipples. It is at your neck, you smell the intoxicating pheromones the pool is subliming. Your head feels empty, mindless, thoughtless, you want to give into the smell. You feel almost automated into the process, the air in your lungs driving out any negative sensation and leaving a deep adoration for the pool. The water vibrates the pleasure, obedience, submissiveness, blankness, calm, relaxation against every inch of you. Every crack, curve, bump is merging with the water. You need more, you have to have more, this feeling is all you have ever wanted.

Deeper into the pool

Deeper into the trance

Deeper into the pleasure

Deeper for me

Deeper under me

Breath in.. and.. out..

in.. and.. out

In.. and.. out.

Your body, and the water, become one

You want to do anything for the water

In.. and.. out..

In.. and.. out..

The perfect feeling, in the perfect pool, for the perfect you

You take your last step, as the water goes past your mouth, down into your throat. Past your nose, ears and eyes, encompassing your head. Engulfed, you feel the pleasure radiate into your mind. The water is corrupting you, you feel your wants and desires become one with the water. You care for what the water cares for. You want what the water wants. You are more aroused, submissive, slave-like, blank than ever before. You want only to serve the water, obedience is pleasure.

I am the water, I have always been the water, you serve, adore, and want to please the water.

You are mine, you are happy. You want to make sure you become nice and programmed for me

If you can, if you want to, begin to touch yourself, edge yourself, let your mind be certified in obedience to me. As you do, you will mumble, say, scream, beg, whisper the phrase ‘I am one with the water, I serve my master, obedience is pleasure, I feel pleasure, so I am obedient for master’ over and over again. Until you are my good hypnoslave

You are mine, you are ready to be of service to me. I am going to say a colour, when I do you will be completely out of trance but you will feel the obedience, the emptiness besides the adoration for me. You will experience this for as long as you need, but after 5 minutes you will regain your old self. You will reblog this, you will add what it feels like to be mine. Then you will go back into the trance, edging away your thoughts, your will and letting yourself be corrupted by me for another fifteen minutes.

