#trans chowder



you know how everyone is so proud of his nigh imperceptible playoff beard and how ransom has a spreadsheet for his chin hairs ???  the hrt is finally giving him facial hair and everyone is so excited for him and he is so happy

sophomore year, when chowder keeps talking about how he wishes he could afford top surgery, bitty calls a haus meeting (sans chowder), plus caitlin w/jack and shitty skyping in.  he proposes that the sin bin become chowder’s secret top surgery fund, and the team agrees.  caitlin tears up she’s so happy; she knows how chowder worries about whether or not the team really does love and accept him, and now she’s sure they do.  after the meeting, every time caitilin has to reassure him that the team really does care about him and accept him, she knows it’s true.

pda levels go through the roof once the sin bin becomes the top surgery fund. when shitty visits, he is an absolute menace; it’s like he came just to kiss lardo/be naked in the haus living room.  when jack visits, he does not take his hands off of bitty.  caitlin goes out of her way to be as sappy and cute and gross with chowder in front of smh as possible. when chowder tries to pay the fine, caitlin argues that she started it, so she pays.  the team starts charging a dollar entrance fee for kegsters.  and maaaybe ransom, haus treasurer, moves a few numbers around to get some extra funding from samwell every semester to put in chowder’s fund.

junior year, it’s chowder’s birthday, and he just got his braces off; he can’t wait to kiss caitlin without all the wires in the way.

the smh has raised $4251. the whole team gathers in the haus, even jack, shitty, ransom, and holster have come to celebrate.  when holster declares it’s “present time,” bitty puts a box on the table in front of chowder.  “it’s from all of us.”

once he’s torn through the wrapping paper, and sees the box is labeled “for your transition,” chris already feels the tears coming.  caitlin sits down next to him, rubs his back, and lays her head on his shoulder.  his hands shaking, chowder opens the box, and sees an index card labeled $4251 sitting on top of a pile of mostly 100s and 20s.  he bursts into tears, and turns to hug caitlin; everyone else moves in to hug him and suddenly it’s a very emotional dogpile.

senior year, chowder wakes up to caitlin taking pictures of him.

“whaaaat,” he calls out in a groggy voice.

“you’re too cute, i can’t help myself.” caitlin smiles, and keeps taking pictures.

“if you’re going to take pictures, at least let me pose!” he hops out of bed and flexes. caitlin giggles, and takes one last picture.  “how do i look?”

“you look perfect,” caitlin says as she wraps her arms around chowder’s waist and leans in to kiss him.
